Author Topic: Secondary Fuel Discharge Nozzle\main well bleed tubes  (Read 4859 times)

Offline beertracker

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Secondary Fuel Discharge Nozzle\main well bleed tubes
« on: February 23, 2013, 02:48:43 PM »
Carb. 17057274 air horn.   Refer to page 107 of Cliff's book.  I epoxied the two secondary emulsion tubes as per top photo.   Now I can't blow air through the mail well bleed tube (the one that gets drilled .036") and the secondary fuel discharge nozzle.   I thought these two should be connected?  How do these two connect?

In the top photo next to the punch is what I think is the mail well bleed tube.  By epoxying this won't it seal off the  fuel discharg nozzle also?  Not sure what to do next.

One step forward and three back.

Offline 429bbf

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Re: Secondary Fuel Discharge Nozzle\main well bleed tubes
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2013, 07:31:48 PM »
bt correct me if im wrong. but i think your calling the same thing two different names. i believe the secondary emulsion tubes and the main well bleed tubes are the same thing.they allow air to be pulled in to mix with the secondary fuel.plugging them on top of the air horn should have nothing to do with air not going through your secondary fuel tube.(the 1/4 inch)when your testing with an air would affect things if you tried to run it this not sure how well you understand not being a smart (a ) the fuel flow to the secondaries but ill try to help you the best i can. once in a while the terminology can be kind of confusing.hope this helps

Offline beertracker

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Re: Secondary Fuel Discharge Nozzle\main well bleed tubes
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2013, 11:54:52 AM »
Yes, inconsistent terminology can be confusing.   On page 126 is a photo showing Main Well Bleed Tubes and Secondary Fuel Discharge Tubes.    Then on page 107 top photo a punch points to "an additional pair of drilled holes next to the small brass tubes that extend into the secondary fuel passages.    These holes should be blocked off for high performance."

I thought the "hole" the punch points at is the  Secondary Emulsion Tubes  Cliff talks about on page 106?  Am I wrong?

Back to top photo on page 107, I expoxied both holes; the hole the punch points at and the hole to the right.  Later I realized I should have only epoxied the hole pointed to by the punch so I drilled out the epoxy in the hole to the right (using a #55 drill, a #56 bites in the brass) which I believe is the top of the main well bleed tube.    I opened up the main well bleed tube other end to .036"

I  don't see a path for fuel to be drawn by the Secondary Fuel Discharge Nozzle via  Main Well Tubes.  Is this is what the book talks about:

"check to make sure the factory fuel supply nozzles are not obstructing the fuel supply holes in the air horn.  It's common for the nozzles to be driven in against the brass or far enough in to obstruct fuel delivery".

How do I remove the fuel discharge nozzles and main well bleed tubes?  Apply heat to airhorn casting then pull\twist on the tubes?

Does the main well bleed tubes have only one opening at each end?

Offline 429bbf

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Re: Secondary Fuel Discharge Nozzle\main well bleed tubes
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2013, 12:31:34 PM »
bt i have a ton of carbs and none have the hole hes talking about. must be a certain year or application. there is no connection between the secondary nozzles and the tube. ok looking at page 126. the hole the main well bleed tubes stick in is about a 1/4 inch.the fuel is pulled from the lower part of the carb through the 1/4 hole.which is connected to the secondary nozzles. if the brass or steel secondary nozzle is not sticking to far in the hole.(it should be flush with the inner casting) then dont mess with it. there is no reason to take these out if there clean and sized right.if you have to pull the nozzle find something like a bolt that fits snug .grab it with a good plier and with a slight twist pull it out.answer yes the main well bleed tube only has one opening at each end.

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Re: Secondary Fuel Discharge Nozzle\main well bleed tubes
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2013, 03:01:46 PM »
Carb. 17057274 air horn.   Refer to page 107 of Cliff's book.  I epoxied the two secondary emulsion tubes as per top photo.   Now I can't blow air through the mail well bleed tube (the one that gets drilled .036") and the secondary fuel discharge nozzle.   I thought these two should be connected?  How do these two connect?


The tube that you drill out to .036 allows air to enter the fuel well and mix with the fuel before it is discharged out the secondary nozzles. It should be open on both ends allowing air to flow down it from the airhorn. The hole next to it if present(not all quadrajets have 2) should be sealed off.  Hope this helps you.


Offline beertracker

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Re: Secondary Fuel Discharge Nozzle\main well bleed tubes
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2013, 08:57:48 AM »
Makes sense.  Thanks for helping.  bt  :)