Author Topic: idling issues  (Read 2359 times)

Offline j_oetjens

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idling issues
« on: August 18, 2012, 07:09:01 PM »
carb 7045183 on  a 1970 olds 455 camshaft xe284h lca 110 duration 0.050 intake 240 lift 0.541 exhaust 246 lift 0544 heads are factory ported E heads 403686 77cc 2.000'' intake valve 1.625" exhaust valve 5 angle valve job flat top pistons are flat top did not have compression checked machine shop said probaly around 10.5 - 11.0 compression 2500 tight stall converter on a th400 i have d.u.i distributor msd 8.5 wires ac delco plugs intake manifold Single plane with divider  Professional Products CrossWind

i have a holley 800 spreadbore that i have rebuilt and adjusted to work with my engine with zero problems with air fuel ratio of 13.3 equal on each side. i have never been able to run a quadrajet on my engine which i would perfer until now. i purchased your book and i have since, at least got my car to start and stay running after drilling idle bypass to 0.203 here is a list of everything else:

down channel: 0.0625
upper idle air:  0.787
lower idle air:  0.787
idle bypass:    0.203
idle mixture screws: 0.0197
butterflies:      0.0937
hanger F
secondary rods 0.0394 smaller and 0.0472 larger tubes
secondary spring tension 1/8 turn
i was unable to remove idle tubes to be able to drill them out as well i have removed primary rods and have no choke it will run with idle set at 1000 rpm (seems way to high) with nozzle drip if i lower the idle to 850 (where it is set on my holley with no problems) engine slowly drops to 500rpm and then will die after about 5 minutes. idle bypass was at 0.1875 and would not stay on unless pumping gas so i removed the primary rods and it stayed running but with idle set at 1000 rpm but with tons of nozzle drip and when i put it in gear it would die.

do you have any suggestions??

link to car running with holley carb

Offline j_oetjens

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Re: idling issues
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2012, 07:27:33 PM »
forgot 75 primary jets the primary rods that were in it are not numbered and I have a set of 42j primary rods