Author Topic: Signs to look for to avoid buying a rebuilt or remanufactured quadrajet?  (Read 2691 times)

Offline tschmitt

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I purchased Cliff's book and look forward to rebuilding a quadrajet for an engine I am currently in the process of building. I want to start with an original model that hasnt been remanufactered. In the book it talks about the plating has usually been removed but some of the carbs ive seen have so much dirt and grime on them its hard to tell. When going to the junkyard and scanning eBay what are some signs to look for in a remanufactured carb? I know to look for the sticker but those can always fall off. Are there any other signs to look for?

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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No finish anyplace.

Phillips head or wrong screws holding down the airhorn.

Obviously miss-matched components, which include wrong type of choke, incorrect throttle shaft, airhorn, baseplate, etc for the number stamped on the main casting.....Cliff

Offline tschmitt

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Ok thank you sir  :)

Offline Frank400

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...epoxied shut idle air bypass passages.

Offline 429bbf

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i like buying the newer carbs that still have the stainless or what ever it is caps still over the idle screws.all that i have purchased i dont think have ever had a kit installed . i think the owners pulled them off for a (better) carb like a holly.before they even tried to make them work.dean