Author Topic: quadrajet idle tubes/lean idle  (Read 9003 times)


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quadrajet idle tubes/lean idle
« on: August 31, 2012, 09:11:25 PM »
hey guys, so i did something very foolish and while i had my carb apart to fix the leaking throttle shafts, i got all squirmy and figured something had to be wrong with my idle tubes since i couldnt get the truck to idle correctly

the whole issue started when i bought the truck and needed to replace the acc pump, a $20 kit from autozone and i was alllll set  :o :( >:( ( until i saw the ones from here) so i spent countless hrs looking at videos and all that jazz on rebuilding the quadrajet carb, and turns out its really easy =]

so i soaked the carb and blew out all the tubes/jets/slots ect and while i was at it i ( fixed ) the choke so that it would open all the way !!! ( yeah i keep screwing myself with the double fixes ) so when i put the carb together and i couldnt get it to idle right i was soooooooo confused  ;D

off again/clean again-----------nope----------off again/clean again <<< about 6 times... finally i put a 1406 on it and called it quits.

so now im back again and came across a kit i got from my past uncle( the correct kit for the carb luckily ) and im determined to get the carb running once again


soo, being i did a stupid thing and pulled my idle tubes AAANNNDDD placed new bushings in the throttle shaft, would atleast the throttle shafts being loose cause the carb to idle at like 16.6__18 afr and just make the truck run like crap???  its  a 75 California emissions carb and the thaft moved a ton compared to now with the  new bushings in them,

and would i be okay buying the standard    .035 tubes?

i called a carb shop and the guy was telling me that just because air and cleaner goes through the tubes doesnt mean its NOT plugged, and gave me a odd ball reason with some really big words.

Cliff is the master so ill assume i bet ill find out here =]

thanks everyone !!!!!!!!!!


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Re: quadrajet idle tubes/lean idle
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2012, 09:47:16 PM »
and the carb guy i called told me i didnt know what i was talking about when i said that i have a 74-pre metering rod in a 75-later carb. and that theres no base line as to what goes in what :o :-X if im wrong id like to know, but this is whats in my carb

carb #7045583yz

098 power piston
41b rod
73 jet

the carb is going on a stock 454 in a 4X4 suburban

alls i want is fuel efficiency

and if i recall i have read that between the 2 age groups theres a difference in length ??? swapping the combo will either give you very lean or rich drive ability?


« Last Edit: August 31, 2012, 09:51:07 PM by LEROYDOZOIS »


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Re: quadrajet idle tubes/lean idle
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2012, 11:32:59 AM »
oh no! noone is chiming in on my problems !!! haha :o

Offline 429bbf

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Re: quadrajet idle tubes/lean idle
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2012, 11:21:53 AM »
leroy welcome aboard . you sound like your in the dark without a flashlite. (no pun intended )couple of questions ? do you have cliffs book? do you have the tools to measure the whole carb . you say you pulled the idle tubes.what size were they .why cant you reuse them?what size are all the rest of the measurements? if you post all the sizes some one with your vehicle specs will be able to help you. dean

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: quadrajet idle tubes/lean idle
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2012, 05:01:39 AM »
I couldn't get a handle on what been done or being done here either.

Bushings installed, got that figured out.

Kit of unknown origin?

Longer early style metering rods in a later model carburetor?

Idle tubes replaced, what size were they, and what are they now?.....Cliff