Author Topic: 7029268 lever  (Read 2712 times)

Offline larryneworleans

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7029268 lever
« on: March 05, 2013, 11:46:58 AM »
I have a 7029268 carb with a divorced choke.
On the choke side, on the primary shaft there is:
 a screw,
 a spring,
 Fast idle lever with the little adjusting screw,
 a Cam follower lever,
and then last against the throttle body riding on the primary shafts is a small two prong lever.

I cannot get wide open throttle because this two prong lever jams against the fast idle cam outer edge.
These parts are worn and so i put a washer between this small two prong lever and the throttle body. This removed all of the wobble these levers and followers had.
Also  I could get WOT and the little two prong lever does not jam against the fast idle cam edge, but instead engages  a raised boss on the fast idle cam and this opens the primary choke just slightly at WOT.

Is this how it is suppose to work? Is this two prong lever to prevent WOT with a completely closed choke.
Can these part be gotten?

Offline omaha

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Re: 7029268 lever
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2013, 07:50:30 PM »
I am not 100% sure but I believe this is a function of the "choke unloader"  this is in case you flood your engine. You mash the pedal to the floor and it opens the choke a bit. this works good if your engine stays warm but the carb cools off (and the choke closes). the one thing that bothers me is that you had to add some washers to make things right.
I guess that things could get worn or bent.  My money would be bent. sometimes things need tweaking.

Offline 429bbf

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Re: 7029268 lever
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2013, 09:26:19 PM »
does your two prong lever have a small tab sticking to the outside of the carb?if the tab was broke or badly worn it would allow the lever to slide out and cause problems.this could be the reason you have to put a washer between it and the carb can take some of the play out of the shaft when you install bushings. this takes a little playing around. you just dont install your bushing as far. hope this helps.