So, i have a QJet '77 Cali emissions Carb..this is what the front of mine looks like.

Cliff told me that i need to hook my Dist Vac Advance to the port to the right of the fuel filter, just above the idle screw...well...mine doesn't have that??

I have seen pics of older/other carbs that do have a port on the front right side of the carb so i understand what im looking for..
I currently have my vac advance hooked up to the port just above the fuel line filter housing (how it came when i bought the truck), but it is a "Ported Vacuum" spot.. so my vac advance is getting vacuum at idle.
there are three Manifold ports in the bases plate, the center one is hooked to my PCV, there is one just to the right of it (capped off, seen in the pic) and one to the left of the left side idle screw, also capped off.
So two questions: why is this carb different (no port on the front right)
where/how do i hook up my vacuum advance?
If where i have it is right, ive read in some schematics that there might have been a inline delay valve or check valve of some sort?? Obviously when ALL the vac lines where hooked up it would have been way different..
any help is appreciated..