What is your initial timing?
How much does the rpm drop when put in gear?
Initial timing at 18*, total 38* all in by 3500. My RPMs usually drop 150 to 200 RPM.
Please bear in mind that I am a Ford guy. I don't know jack about SBC.
That's OK, I don't know jack about Fords except my back likes the distributor up front much better than by the firewall

Here's an update on what's going on. I gave up on the 17059201 quad, but I have another one that I just finished cleaning/rebuilding. I swapped them out, and there was a night a day difference in the low RPMs! Much cleaner throttle response. The new carb is a 17056228, which is off a Chevy 400. Here's the specs.
Idle Tube .036
Idle Channel .050
Lower Idle Bleed .073
Upper Idle Bleed .070
Main Bleed (Horn) .125
Main Bleed (Body) .125
Idle Mixture Holes .089
Idle Air Bypass .055
Float Level .25
Jet/Rod 76/48K APT 3.5 Turns
The only thing I changed on this carb was the idle tube (was .034ish). I have no idea what made the difference between the two carbs idle circuits. The major difference casting wise is the different main air bleed setup, which I would have thought had no impact on the idle circuit. It wouldn't be the first time I was wrong though

. I still have some tweaking to do on the primary and secondary side so we'll see what new gremlins pop up. I'm sure I'll have more questions down the road.
Thanks everyone for all the help and great suggestions!!