Author Topic: slight fuel drip from throttle shafts on eddt 1901  (Read 2526 times)

Offline roller400

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slight fuel drip from throttle shafts on eddt 1901
« on: May 10, 2013, 06:35:44 AM »
I rebuilt a 1901 for my old c 10 and after fixing some fuel pressure problems it still has a slight drip from the primary throttle shafts after a hot shut down.  Flooding and drip was real bad until I installed a regulator - set at 5psi and insulated the lines. Carb still has slighr drip and hot hard start but much better than before. Is this a heatsoak issue or could I have damaged the new needle resetting the float a few times? Engine stays between 180-190 with a 180 stat.  Float is set at. 420 . Truck runs excellent otherwise,  very responsive and decent MPG.

Offline roller400

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Re: slight fuel drip from throttle shafts on eddt 1901
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2013, 05:58:15 AM »
So I pulled the edelbrock qjet off my truck yesterday immediately after shutdown , by the time I got it off,  there was a decent amount of fuel puddled in the intake.  Removed the airhorn and filled the bowl with gas.  16 hours later about half had leaked off. Looks like its the front plugs that I drilled and tapped. I was worried that I tapped one too far in the first place but the other was fine.  I suppose I could have mixed the epoxy wrong.  Going to disassemble today to see if the rear plugs are wet. I let the body sit for a few days to let the epoxy set and it didn't show any signs of leaking with the air/soap method .  Anyone ever try to remove epoxied plugs?  U guys think this thing is toast  ?

Offline omaha

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Re: slight fuel drip from throttle shafts on eddt 1901
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2013, 12:38:59 PM »
   I would guess that some heat from a propane torch might help. the good epoxy is some tough stuff. Always use marine tex OR Devcon for metal (they make some for plastic too) try to find a small tip for the propane torch or use one of those small butane torches (like they sell at Harbor Freight, the orange ones). Other than that I cannot think of anything that would dissolve the hardened epoxy (acetone, anybody know if acetone would dissolve epoxy?). Being that the 2 wells are so close together, you may end up doing both over again. (once you heat up one the other probably will be affected).

Offline roller400

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Re: slight fuel drip from throttle shafts on eddt 1901
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2013, 03:36:25 PM »
Both plugs are sealed good and not leaking,  but it seems there is a small leek in the idle channel passage to under the jet.  Not sure if its a cast or machine work flaw but I've tried to work a tiny amount of epoxy into it so maybe I'll get lucky . If not , any body have a decent chev style divorced choke qjet for sale ? I'll let it sit overnight to cure. Hope it works cause the Carb is great otherwise.

Offline Shark Racer

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Re: slight fuel drip from throttle shafts on eddt 1901
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2013, 04:34:29 PM »
I have one that I've been using as a test bed for demoing stuff. It's completely torn apart, but you can have it for the cost of shipping.

17058229, it's a 4MV from a truck.

I've been using it to learn how to plate, so the airhorn is much prettier than the main body. :)

Offline omaha

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Re: slight fuel drip from throttle shafts on eddt 1901
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2013, 09:05:11 PM »
  Very interesting indeed.....I wonder if this is a common area for fuel leakage (the passage ). You wouldn't think there would be a leak there but jus goes to show, never assume anything. I'll have to check this area next time.