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Carb Kit for a marine carb.
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Topic: Carb Kit for a marine carb. (Read 7822 times)
Jet Head
Posts: 391
Carb Kit for a marine carb.
May 02, 2009, 07:37:42 PM »
Hey Cliff and everybody, I'm new to forum so here goes my first question.
A guy I work with needs me to rebuild his carb on his boat. I think it's a mercruiser but I know its a smallblock chevy from the mid to late eighties. Have not seen the carb yet as he is supposed to remove and bring it to me. Obvious question ; is this carb any different than the automotive design? Should ther be anything I need to look out for? Should I go and remove it for him so he doesnt break something {that is hard to replace}? Any info would be great? BTW Cliff I have read the book and think it is the best!!
Cliff Ruggles
Qjet Hero
Posts: 5476
Re: Carb Kit for a marine carb.
Reply #1 on:
May 04, 2009, 05:17:03 AM »
It may not be a Quadrajet. They used some Webber built AFB clones beginning in the early 1980's. They are nearly identical to Edelbrocks "Performer" Series carburetors, and have some of the same basic design flaws/problems that the Edelbrock carburetors have.
If it is a Quadrajet, we sell complete HP kits for them, with upgraded components that are ethanol compatable, and many essential parts not found in any over the counter kits.
If it is a Webber AFB, we can also supply kits for them......Cliff
Jet Head
Posts: 391
Re: Carb Kit for a marine carb.
Reply #2 on:
May 09, 2009, 09:52:07 PM »
thanx Cliff for the reply. Did not know you had other kits. Will keep that in mind. The guy is dragging his feet and cant really tall me exactly what carb it is. But... someone else heard I was rebuilding carbs and all of a sudden I have about three more carbs to do. One is a Qjet from a 73 firebird.[non original I guess as it is a 350 pontiac]. Then, I have two more carbs to rebuild going onto chevy pickups, both Qjets.
Really need to order that throttle shaft rebuild kit. Can I get extra bushings with that.
Cliff Ruggles
Qjet Hero
Posts: 5476
Re: Carb Kit for a marine carb.
Reply #3 on:
May 13, 2009, 06:30:51 AM »
Good news, we sell complete HP kits for all Marine part numbers/models, etc.
Contact us directly at 740-397-2921 or for specifics, pricing, etc?....thanks....Cliff
Jet Head
Posts: 391
Re: Carb Kit for a marine carb.
Reply #4 on:
June 06, 2009, 04:54:43 PM »
Hello everyone,
Just an update on the progress of the marine carb rebuild. I have recieved the carb and have started to disassemble it. It is a number 17059286 and is in very good condition other than a few things. One thing I noticed right away is that it has no POE for the secondary side but it does have two holes drilled in the air valve door, in line with the emulsion tube holes. It has no bypass air to the primaries
. Also, the gasket between the base plate and the body has a gap in the part of it where the primary and secondary bores are seperated, about a quarter inch wide so that it would make the primaries and secondaries some what open to each other. The two idle screws are the newer type[two flats on a circle] and they are totally exposed like an early style carb, no caps or covers. Also ther is no passage in the primary bore for any vacuum advance or EGR. All and all, a very strange carb (to me anyway). Any advice or reasoning for the design would be happily accepted.
Cliff Ruggles
Qjet Hero
Posts: 5476
Re: Carb Kit for a marine carb.
Reply #5 on:
June 08, 2009, 03:16:26 AM »
We include slotted idle mixture screws in our kits for those, plus upgraded Viton needle/seat assemblies, ethanol compatable upgraded complete accellerator pump assembly, new float, gaskets, seals, small parts, complete fastener set, etc.....Cliff
Jet Head
Posts: 391
Re: Carb Kit for a marine carb.
Reply #6 on:
June 08, 2009, 07:26:19 PM »
Thanks for the reply Cliff. I had the guy order the kit for me and it is on its way.
He said he was impressed with the help he got on the phone.
Very knowledgable and helpful.
I will be ordering a throttle shaft repair kit. [bushing kit]
Cliff Ruggles
Qjet Hero
Posts: 5476
Re: Carb Kit for a marine carb.
Reply #7 on:
June 09, 2009, 05:17:53 AM »
We appreciate the order. The bushing kits are in stock. We actually test each kit to install bushings in carburetors built here before we package them up to sell them. The bits are custom made for us, and self guiding. My wife does most of that work here, which tells you how easy it is!......Cliff
Jet Head
Posts: 391
asRe: Carb Kit for a marine carb.
Reply #8 on:
June 13, 2009, 12:53:53 PM »
A wife that helps rebuild carburetors! I am very impressed . {got an extra one ?}
Jet Head
Posts: 391
Re: Carb Kit for a marine carb.
Reply #9 on:
June 13, 2009, 01:46:04 PM »
I was wondering about the original gasket between the main body and the base plate of this mar. carb.
It is the same in all respects except the area between the prim. and sec. hole openings. In that area there is a 'slot' cut between the two holes. (left and right side). It is about 1/4 to 5/16 inch wide. The only reason I can think of for this design would be this; Because there is no POE for the secondaries, the slot is used to get them "online" without any hesitation or bog in lieu of an enrichment device. The slot would transfer the air-fuel mixture from the primary side to the secondary side, through the slot, during the initial opening of the secondary throttle plates. While the secondaries are closed, the slot would have little to no effect because there would be no vacuum to pull the mixture through the slot.
Does this sound correct? If so should I assume I should modify the replacement gasket to match the original as it does not have the slots?
Any comments would be welcomed!! [anybody else seen this?]
Cliff Ruggles
Qjet Hero
Posts: 5476
Re: Carb Kit for a marine carb.
Reply #10 on:
June 16, 2009, 03:59:02 AM »
No need to mod the gasket. The only purpose the "slots" could serve would be to allow some fuel to spill over into the secondaries if the fuel pump goes bad, as the Marine units use a vent in the primaries on the passengers side......Cliff
Jet Head
Posts: 391
Re: Carb Kit for a marine carb.
Reply #11 on:
July 08, 2009, 06:45:53 PM »
weel the carb is done and on the boat and in use. The guy says that it is running great and starts up very easily with no hesitation during accel. Thanks for all the help and on to the next project....{my own car!!}
Cliff Ruggles
Qjet Hero
Posts: 5476
Re: Carb Kit for a marine carb.
Reply #12 on:
July 08, 2009, 07:52:38 PM »
Good news!...and thanks for the update.....Cliff
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Carb Kit for a marine carb.