Author Topic: Just helped a friend rebuild an E4ME with one of Cliff's kits  (Read 2120 times)

Offline Shark Racer

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And once again Cliff saves the day.

He had a bad stutter leaving the line, massive stumble when going WOT, hard starting, insanely high fast idle, etc.

On opening it, I found that the air-valve spring was greatly weakened from age, it wouldn't return once it had hit full travel and felt very light. The idle fuel tubes were constricted, which was causing the stutter. One of the secondary fuel well tubes had fallen out. 

After the rebuild, the choke worked excellent, I lowered the fast idle from 2200 to 1100. (It was actually set from the factory at 2200, but that's a pretty ridiculous fast idle speed. The engine sounds like it's going to take off when you fire it up.) Readjusted the MCS and idle air bypass. The car runs FANTASTIC. I am actually envious of the low end torque that car had (1980 Corvette, 305). It felt GREAT. I drove it back to back against my sister-in-law's 92 Ford Mustang GT and it was easily faster than that car. I am still quite stupefied that the car ran so well. There is a slight stutter off the line, but we will work on timing and a little more massaging of the idle mixture to get it perfect.

This was the first E4M I rebuilt. It was really not too bad. Cliff's kit for the E4M was, like the many other kits I've bought from him, excellent. Looks like I'll be building another for a car club member in a couple of weeks.

Thanks again, Cliff. I think this is the most thrilled I've been with a QJet rebuild yet. They get easier every time... even if the E4ME tried to throw a couple of tricks at me!

My tool box is now overflowing with QuadraJet tools!

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Just helped a friend rebuild an E4ME with one of Cliff's kits
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2013, 04:49:47 AM »
Good news!  We always replace the secondary plastic cam and spring, an area typically missed by most folks building these carburetors.  All of our rebuild kits now contain these parts, plus other nice things to have like a new plastic collar for the power piston, so you don't have to stake the old one in place.....Cliff