Author Topic: Float Boal vac ?  (Read 2439 times)

Offline kenn

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Float Boal vac ?
« on: August 10, 2013, 05:42:54 AM »
Hello I'm having vacuum problems. While checking it out I found that I have manifold vacuum routed to the float area and this does not seem to be correct to me. The gasket only partially covers a void that allows the vacuum to travel there.
  Thanks for imput K.E.N.

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Float Boal vac ?
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2013, 06:34:36 AM »
Not exactly sure what you are asking?  Got any pics?....Cliff

Offline kenn

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Re: Float Boal vac ?
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2013, 01:22:22 PM »
Sorry no pictures.  After running my rebuilt carb I had trouble at idle.
 I needed to have the idle screw turned in to far.
 I thought it needed more air to keep from opening the throtle plates. So I added bypass air to the baseplate.
 When I was checking those passages I found a different spot that the gasket did not cover an area that allowes manifold vacuum to pass up into the float boal.
 I dont know enough to know if that is the correct way the boal vents, I thought the boal is vented up thru the top not down into the manifold.
I dont think it should have vacume in the boal area that would seem to be just like an open port.
The gasket I am using is the one that was with the kit I bought here.
If you do need pictures I can have my daughter help.

Thanks K.E.N.

Offline kenn

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Re: Float Boal vac ?
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2013, 07:59:01 AM »
checking this out further I found that the passage is blocked. I must be hearing the vacuum thru the APT adjustment screw hole.