Author Topic: 7029261 Setting the Screws ?  (Read 2657 times)

Offline PMD1969

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7029261 Setting the Screws ?
« on: August 19, 2013, 07:39:23 AM »
I stock Qjet was rebuilt many year ago by a shop in Chicago.  Since that time I have unsuccessfully messed with the screws and idle trying to get the car to idle and accelerate decently.  Of course I have failed miserably.

The car will start and idle but acceleration is not good.  There are severe flat spots and one sliver of a sweet spot at "near" WOT.  If I press it to the floor it stumbles and if I let off just below the sweet spot it stumbles.

The screws have been turned in and out and I do not even know where they are.  I have not changed anything else on the carb to make adjustments.

Where would be a good starting point to at least get the car to accelerate without the stumbling and hesitations?

Offline Ethan1

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Re: 7029261 Setting the Screws ?
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2013, 07:00:21 PM »
 Might turn the IMS out 2 turns and go from there. That's about where I start and then go from there. Do you have Cliff's book? Might be worth while, going through the systems of the Qjet. That will give you an idea on everything works. :)

1972 Chevelle


Offline PMD1969

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Re: 7029261 Setting the Screws ?
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2013, 09:43:28 PM »
Might turn the IMS out 2 turns and go from there. That's about where I start and then go from there. Do you have Cliff's book? Might be worth while, going through the systems of the Qjet. That will give you an idea on everything works. :)

Yes i do have Cliffs book.  I started at 5 turns for both and the car fired up fine but I did not have a chance to drive it and put a load on it.

You have raised a an excellent point that I have not studied for this project and that I am failing at the moment.  I have carburetor parts and bodies all over my garage at the moment and not one "spare" carb to show for it.  What I need to do is to end this tail chase and put everything away.  I am going to grab a clean storage box, get all of the carbs and parts stored, then go back and get the basics down and start over.

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: 7029261 Setting the Screws ?
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2013, 04:24:26 AM »
Most likely the carb just needs rebuilt with modern components.  I'd get one of our kits and start there....Cliff