Author Topic: Tuning for Ethanol  (Read 3005 times)

Offline PMD1969

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Tuning for Ethanol
« on: October 24, 2013, 06:21:55 PM »
I have a factory 69 OHC with the stock Qjet.  The specs that Ethan found for this carb are " 7029261 came with .069 Primary Jets, Primary Metering Rods 40, Secondary Hanger K, and Secondary Metering Rods BL."  The motor will ping at the top rpm under load and hot.  I keep hearing that I need to "fatten" up the secondaries.  I have never changed out jets/metering rods on a Qjet.

What would be a good step up in jets/metering rods to try and solve the pinging?

Offline omaha

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Re: Tuning for Ethanol
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2013, 09:30:30 PM »
There could be many reasons for the "pinging" or detonation. Yes, enriching the fuel mix does help. It does this by the cooling effect of the unburnt fuel taking the heat away kind of like evaporation cools you down if you are doused with water on a hot day. To determine if you are running lean, the best ways to determine this would be either by "plug reading" or by the use of a wide band O2 meter. By the way the detonation will sometimes show up as wear or small specs on the plugs when you read them, it depends how bad the pinging is. Also, you have to realize that the main cause of the pinging is a combination of excess heat and/or incorrect ignition timing. Causes of excess heat; poor water circulation or not enough of it. Too much compression (either by engine design or from excess carbon build up in the combustion chamber) Causes or incorrect timing: Ignition components that are worn or weak or just an incorrect advance curve. An example could be weak springs in the distributor or a weak coil etc.  Having the wrong plugs. bad wires etc. all could contribute to pinging. Ways to counter pinging. Increase engine cooling, internal and external. Use gas with more octane. Get rid of carbon deposits. Make sure the ignition timing is spot on and that the ignition system is up to par. Lower the compression ratio if needed.

Offline PMD1969

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Re: Tuning for Ethanol
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2013, 07:31:15 AM »
Thnks for the reply.

The specs and maintenance on the motor:

Stock Pontiac 69 OHC Sprint 6 cylinder 250cid 10.5:1 compression
Cooling system stock with new radiator/belt/hoses/water pump/antifreeze/180degree thermostat where 190 is stock
Distributor is stock with Pertronix 1/new wires/plugs are stock design (new)/timing is set to stock @ 5 degrees advance/NOS coil 45,000
Fuel is Shell 93 Octane with 32oz Torco Octane Booster / Lead substitute additive

With this combination there is no pinging when the motor is hot and under load.  The goal is to get it to run without having to use the Torco and just Shell 93.  One improvement that I made when tuning the Qjet (if it makes a difference?) is the air/fuel screws are set correctly and the secondary air screw seems to be set correctly or at least the car drives much better without bogging or hesitating.

The goal is to use straight Shell 93 without the need for an Octane booster.

My question is (concerning the Qjet) is that would using Cliff's DA/44 secondary metering rods be an improvement over stock?  The carb was rebuilt (not by me) in 1995 and will be rebuilt again soon using upgraded ethanol rated parts.