Author Topic: WTB 7040570 Quadrajet for 70 GTO Ram Air III, auto, California emissions  (Read 2602 times)

Offline JamRSW6

  • Garage guy
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Looking for a 7040570 Quadrajet.  Used on 70 GTO Ram Air III, automatic, California emissions.  Need build date before November 1969.  Email pictures and price to  Thanks!

Offline unruhjonny

  • Carb lover
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  • Posts: 87
I know this isn't exactly what you're looking for, but maybe it is closer to being correct than what you have (this is not mine btw, I just came across it earlier today on ePay);

This is pretty close, but it appears to November 6th 1969, and is for the L78/auto, not the L74/auto.

I hope this helps.