Author Topic: Options to reduce the accelerator pump shot?  (Read 4102 times)

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Options to reduce the accelerator pump shot?
« on: August 24, 2009, 04:58:27 PM »
I am pretty well convinced my WOT stumble/bog is not a lean condition, but rather a rich condition. This happens on two different cars with two different Cliff's q-jets. I am @ 5K altitude which I suspect may be a factor.  At immediate application of WOT, the 1970 GTO stumbles and kicks out a black puff, then runs like hell.  The other car (1968 Firebird) noticably dips in power right after WOT then moves out. I have struggled with this for some time and have posted to this subject in the test and tune to section.  This is rich event is backed up by LM-1 wideband readings on both cars (low 9's). I finally just removed the pump linkage and took the Firebird for a drive.  This did not introduce any lean stumbles even going to WOT.  I was surprised that it ran as well as it did without any pump shot, but I think it further confirms my need to try and reduce the pump shot rather than play with the secondary air valve rates which I've adjusted in the range from about 1/4  turn to a full turn (which makes both of the cars dogs) and haven't gotten rid of the stumble.  This makes sense if it is not a lean stumble I am chasing.

So other than using the outer pump level hole, what are my accelerator pump tuning options from here?

On a slightly different topic:

Cliff, my 1970 GTO has a stock carb 7040268 and I remember chatting with you a long time ago and thought you had mentioned it had an APT, but I am not 100% sure.  If so, where is the darn thing I couldn't identify its location?

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Options to reduce the accelerator pump shot?
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2009, 04:13:56 AM »
The easiest way to reduce pump shot is to install a longer pump.  This reduces the amount of fuel under the pump.  Moving to the outer hole does the same thing.  Pump shot can be slowed down by using a softer duration spring as well, so there are three ways to reduce the pump shot if the engine isn't liking it for some reason.

We have accl pumps in just about every length and style, send me an email and we can get some parts headed your way.

The 1970 carburetor has a main airbleed adjustment screw right behind the vent tube, under a metal triangular shaped cover.......Cliff

Offline jxu109

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Re: Options to reduce the accelerator pump shot?
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2009, 06:46:47 AM »
If you give it some quick throtle shots in neutral, does it stumble out?  I've noticed mine doing this, I think I need to reduce mine too.