I've fixed a few bugs, and here's where I am:
lower bleeds are at .070, upper are .067
Idle tubes are .038
Down channel is now at .059
Main air bleed is at .089
Jets are 76, rods are 54M
I think it's almost there, but while cruising, when I ease into the throttle, it's going lean, which I believe is causing a bit of a ping (the pinging didn't start until this latest calibration...). My timing is 16 initial + 20 mechanical all-in at 3,000. I have 10 deg. of vacuum advance starting at 4", fully deployed at 10".
At low speed steady cruise, it holds a low 16.x:1 AFR. When I start easing into the throttle, for the first 2-3 seconds, the AFR spikes up into the 17's, before dropping down to 13.5-14. I have to go about an inch into the pedal from cruise before it starts to enrichen.
Where should I go from here? Is the lean surge a normal condition, and I just need to tweak the APT until The surge isn't as bad? I was thinking about buying some stronger power piston springs to try, but figured I should ask here first. Or, maybe it's just that I've been running to much intial timing with the vacuum advance all this time? It's probably close to 30 degrees at a part throttle/low speed cruise.
Thanks in advance