I am subscribed on a thread over on PY in which the value of a SR '73 SD carb (#17053910) is discussed, and I was wondering what other SR carbs/numbers are out there, to which I got this reply;
There were only a single SR part number per car..No manual tranny numbers were ever made in SR system. All SR carbs will have the auto number...
Then this morning I cam across this SR carb, and it looks to be a replacement for a '71 Pontiac (#17054907), albeit, it's missing the choke mechanism;
http://www.ebay.com/itm/191088657924?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AITnow, I wrote that I theorized that these replacement carbs utilized the 1705 because fo the later fuel bowl, and them being for a 1970's application - which might be totally wrong;
But this '71 carb has me confused on two points;
1) the "year" indicated 1974
2) the last digit is an uneven number, which would have me think that it should be a manual transmission application, while the above quote suggests that only "auto" part numbers were issued...
Could someone please shed some light on this for me?
Could someone please share a list of these latter service replacement numbers, and their "correct" application?
I could have sworn my cousin used to have an NOS 17053911 - which I inderstood to be another SD application...
That puts the "known to me" SR carb numbers at:
17053910 = 1973 SD455
17054907 = 1971
17053911* (could have been a 17054911) = 197?
Thanks in advance for offering to share insight.