Author Topic: Back at it.  (Read 2929 times)

Offline kenn

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Back at it.
« on: June 01, 2014, 02:09:11 PM »
Hello. Well I have calmed down enough to get back at this rebuild.
As I was preping my info I had some questions.
  I was running rich than I reduced my idle restriction by .006 (.053>.047) now it will not stay running?  Will that small amount of change lean the idle out enough to not let the eng run?
 I'm just woundering about it in general.
 Also I was told that these carbs had idle problems because of the type of gasket that was used under the air horn? (CARB 17086047).
 I bought my gaskets from cliff so I don't think this is an issue. But I was just wondering thats all.
 One other question I have, If the carb gets a complete rebuild does it matter which core is used to start with? I mean I know the later style carbs have added parts to them but can't those parts get added to earlier cores?

Offline qjetsrule

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Re: Back at it.
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2014, 09:57:29 PM »
It's hard to armchair diagnose with so many contributing factors to the idle system. Some backround info would help like is it a stock engine or modified? What size bleeds does this carb have in the idle/tranfer circuit? How much of the transition slot is exposed with the blades shut at idle? How many turns out are the mixture screws? Did you replace the idle tubes with new ones? All these factors can effect idle quality plus some others, answers to these questions can give board members a chance to review and maybe make a suggestion. good luck

Offline kenn

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Re: Back at it.
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2014, 03:18:27 AM »
Thanks for the reply.
 I was just looking for general info and not specifics as I've been at this project over a year.
 I have learned quite a bit over that time with the help of all here but you wont know if you don't ask.
  Basically I destroyed the eng in my truck, rebuilt a differant block and am trying to complete the carb rebuild.
 The carb has gone from ok to rich to lean to not running to lean to not running.
 I'm sure I will get it eventually but if it was easy everybody would be doing it.
 Once again thank you all for the help.  K.E.N.

Offline kenn

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Re: Back at it.
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2014, 01:16:31 PM »
Hello again well I thought that I would share my latest problem, The fuel pump rod will not come out of the block.
 That might have been confusing me about the carb problems.  Rod getting shorter with each run.
 I have not pulled the engine out of the truck yet but I've been told the rod will have to be cut or ground to be able to come out. Hope the cam is OK.
 This engine has about 15hrs on it and all parts were new. It ran good for the first 5 than the carb swap. That's why I thought I was having carb probs.
 Well on to the removal

Offline StillLearning

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Re: Back at it.
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2014, 05:27:43 AM »
I had the fuel pump rod problem years ago. It turned out to be too long a bolt on the water pump pressing against the rod.  Sounds as though the shorter each run could be the rod eating the eccentric for the fuel pump off of the cam. I hope this isn't what is happening, but it is a possibility. :-\

Offline kenn

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Re: Back at it.
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2014, 03:50:48 PM »
 The rod is definitely shorter I just hope the cam is ok. I'll know when it's apart.