Your builder is incorrect about fuel pressure. The later units can take high fuel pressure and function fine.
Any "bog" at the onset of the secondaries is usually a lean condition, which is easily corrected. If a new secondary cam/spring wasn't installed during the "rebuild" (unlikely that it was) get them and put them in place. Set the spring tension about 3/4 to 7/8 turns for initial tuning.
Check the secondary hanger to make sure it isn't bent.
Get one of our accl pump assemblies to make sure the pump shot is sufficient when going quickly to full throttle. Most secondary problems are actually a lack of fuel from the accl pump.
Check the secondary POE system to make sure the passages are open in the main casting and airhorn.
Last, check the choke pull-off to make sure it isn't releasing too quickly, or that the link up the secondary airflaps has play in it when the pull-off has vacuum to it.
I suspect a few simple things missed during the build and slightly out of adjustment is all that's going on with your carburetor. I see this a lot, folks use crappy parts, incorrect fuel inlet seat, and NEVER change the worn out plastic cam and weak secondary airdoor spring......Cliff