Author Topic: quadrajet one day it idles good, the next day it idles bad please help!!!  (Read 3169 times)

Offline casual dreamer

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this has been the story for a while. :( i had this carb on my 69 chevy biscayne before, i just put it on my 68 caprice. the carb # is 29223. my friend had rebuilt it with Cliff's sr kit, he also bushed the throttle shaft. he didnt remove or replace the idle tubes, i bought a set from cliff and am ready to put them on. do you think this will solve this problem? what else should i do while i have the carb apart to make the idle smooth and dependable? my goal is to have a super smooth idle. in case it makes any difference it is on a 68 chevy 327 275 BHP, automatic trans, original points ignition. thanks!

Offline 429bbf

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id start with the ignition. i had a lot of points do some funny things ,had to laugh ,ill bet theres a number of folks on this forum that have never seen points .if i recall it was around 75 when the started hei. anyway back to the problem. iv bought cheap and expensive points .what i found my biggest problem was the distributor shaft was loose in the bushing,and it would cause erratic idle like your talking about. do you have a different one you can try?i know you said it did the same thing on 2 differ car. but i would still not rule out the points.fwiw

Offline Frank400

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If you suspect your idle tubes to be clogged, the thing you can try if you don't want to remove them (I was afraid of messing with them when I first started playing seriously with Qjets but now it's a piece of cake) is to use a piece of .023" mig wire to "clean" them.


Offline Cliff Ruggles

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We consider idle tube removal and cleaning another step required for a good end result. 

I wouldn't rule out a vacuum leak someplace, or distributor issue either.  A sticking mechanical advance mechanism will cause all sorts of idle issues, and it will change every time the wind blows. 

A well worn distributor will do the same thing, as point dewell will vary some and change timing and spark, etc.....Cliff

Offline casual dreamer

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thanks for the replies, i sprayed some carb cleaner down the air bleed and it unclogged it. im going to pull the carb off and change the idle tubes. thanks again for the advise!

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Some compressed air shot into the mixture screw holes will often dis-lodge anything that has found it's way into the idle system....Cliff