Author Topic: 1976 Cadillac Quadrajet idle problem  (Read 8785 times)

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Re: 1976 Cadillac Quadrajet idle problem
« Reply #15 on: November 13, 2014, 02:27:39 AM »
The electric choke is just a resistance wire that gets hot and operates a bi-metal spring like a hot air choke has. The resistance wire takes the place of hot air off an exhaust manifold. If the resistance wire gets hot it should work OK with the proper choke adjustment. You can usually feel the choke housing and it will be warm after a couple minutes if it's working. Make sure it has a path to ground through the carb body. That means no gasket in the choke housing.

Offline jbmoffo

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Re: 1976 Cadillac Quadrajet idle problem
« Reply #16 on: November 13, 2014, 06:51:42 PM »
I was wondering how STRONG the spray/stream of gas should be when I move the accelerator pump as it squirts into the carb?
Does anyone have a link to a video/photo I might see?  I guess the best way is to check after the car has been running, but then have the engine turned off so I can see how strong a stream I have?

Offline jbmoffo

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Re: 1976 Cadillac Quadrajet idle problem
« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2014, 09:18:23 AM »
I found the video on Youtube.  Although it is not a Quadrajet, I was wondering, (and I probably know the answer already ::)) if the Quadrajet's accelerator pump should be spitting the same quantity of fuel that this one does. 
Just trying to confirm that mine hesitation is def related to the pump.

Offline 429bbf

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Re: 1976 Cadillac Quadrajet idle problem
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2014, 03:56:53 PM »
i think your going to find that when you push your acc pump it moves a great distance before any fuel comes out. it needs to move fuel immediately when it is moved if not the plunger seal is bad or the check ball is not seated. fwiw

Offline jbmoffo

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Re: 1976 Cadillac Quadrajet idle problem
« Reply #19 on: November 18, 2014, 04:45:29 AM »
 ;)  That is exactly the problem.  It does need to move somewhat in order to get the spray.  I was in the engine the other day basically climbed up over the fender well to peer inside the carb while the car was warm.  As I moved the throttle, you can see a stream being sucked into the throats, but due to the vacuum it was not as easy to see how strong they were....although, in retrospect, they did not appear that "potent".  Someone suggested trying it with the engine off after warm up to get a good "picture" of what is happening....
At this point, it is pretty obvious however.
I am going to replace the pump and when I do, I will take a look at the check ball and see what it's doing. 
Thanks for all your help.  Unfortunately, it is a bit cold in NJ right now (unusual)...and I did have plans to take it apart around I just may wait until the spring seeing the car is garaged all winter and I do not drive it. :'(

Offline 429bbf

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Re: 1976 Cadillac Quadrajet idle problem
« Reply #20 on: November 18, 2014, 08:26:50 PM »
what do you consider cold ? we were just -15 in wyo with a high of 5. i guess for you eastern boys that might be a little chilly its t shirt whether for western boys . no shirt for western men. fwiw

Offline jbmoffo

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Re: 1976 Cadillac Quadrajet idle problem
« Reply #21 on: November 19, 2014, 04:46:17 AM »
North Jersey...25 miles to Manhattan....I could see the Empire State Building as I get on the highway....usually this time of year, we are about 48*-50*
This morning, it was 15*....we pretty much see that only in the last two weeks of January.  Working in an unheated garage isn't fun for us city-folk!  Although, last year, I purchased a propane heater that got me through some smaller projects.  Some old-timers tell me it's best to work on the carb in the spring...but the car should run properly when it's cold, too..right!!?? ;D

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: 1976 Cadillac Quadrajet idle problem
« Reply #22 on: November 25, 2014, 04:32:58 AM »
A rebuild kit and new E-choke would be on my wish list.  I would also replace the choke pull-off while you are working on the carburetor, it's the next thing in line to fail as the rubber in the diaphragm is decades old.  Once you get the carb completely/correctly rebuilt with good parts, new choke and P/O, you will enjoy many years of use from it without any issues. 

The parts in our kits are upgraded for this new fuel.  I would get our SR kit, it has all the good parts in it and the most complete in this industry......Cliff