Author Topic: Secondary tube restriction  (Read 2972 times)

Offline beertracker

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Secondary tube restriction
« on: December 17, 2014, 01:04:06 PM »
On page 111 of the book I see "secondary tube restriction" regarding recipe 1.  Is there a photo in the book showing where the secondary tube restriction is located?

Then on page 126 I see arrows pointing to the bottom of "main well bleed tubes".  Then on page 106 under "Secondary Emulsion Tubes (air bleeds) I see a photo upper left showing a punch with a hole to it's immediate right.  I suppose it's the same hole as page 126 just a top view?

So when cliff states page 106  "for all other models, drill the holes in the brass tubes to .036" is he talking about the top or bottom of the brass tube?


Offline 429bbf

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Re: Secondary tube restriction
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2014, 07:37:03 PM »
turn your air horn to look like picture on page 107. the small tube the pencil is pointing to drill that to .036.answer to your other question no they are not the same hole . some carbs have 2 holes on both sides others have 1.hes talking about closing the second hole if you have 2 on each side or a total of 4 so you are left with what you see in the picture.hope I'm no adding more confusion. fwiw

Offline beertracker

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Re: Secondary tube restriction
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2014, 07:47:27 AM »
Before I make any more mistakes I want to get this right.

So when cliff states page 106  "for all other models, drill the holes in the brass tubes to .036" is he talking about the top or bottom of the brass tube pointed to by the pencil page 107?   The way the air horn is positioned in the photo the pencil is pointing toward the bottom (near the fuel discharge nozzle).

My air horn has a hole in the top and bottom of the brass tube.   From the photos it looks to me the hole to the right of the punch is the same tube as the pencil points to.    It is the same tube I just ran a #30 wire thought it top to bottom.

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Re: Secondary tube restriction
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2014, 09:06:51 AM »
you are correct. if the air horn is installed  on the carb for driving you would drill the bottom .036 . if the air horn is laying like in the picture you would drill the top. your carb must only have the one hole. i havent seen to many with the second hole hes talking about. if i remember correctly the top of the hole is somewhere around .055and its the same on most carbs ive workeded on . i dont ever monkey with that dia. hth

Offline beertracker

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Re: Secondary tube restriction
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2014, 12:45:15 PM »
Good, we got that one clarified.  Actually my air horn does have two holes on top if  the air horn is installed on the carb for driving.   I understand the tiny hole is to be sealed off.

On a different topic I wanted to remove the idle adjust screws and sprayed penetrating oil on them and let it set.   One of the screws twisted off even with the base plate.  So I drilled a small hole with the drill press then changed to a bigger drill when the drill slipped and  touched a little thread of the base plate.  I don't think it's a big deal but I still haven't gotten the idle adjust screw out.  Later I will try a little heat and a easy out extractor.

I see why people give up on qjets and go with new carbs it's a lot less hassle.

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Re: Secondary tube restriction
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2014, 04:40:02 AM »
before i take the old crusty carbs apart i through them in a hot water parts washer. it runs about 200 degrees i leave them in some times all day as I'm cleaning my other parts.this seems to expand the pot metal and steel screws at a different rates which i think makes getting my carbs apart a lot easier. it also helps loosen the idle tubes and misc. did not work on the apt in the base plate i had to heat it with a torch.fwiw

Offline beertracker

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Re: Secondary tube restriction
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2014, 08:56:29 PM »
Your hot water process sounds good but at this point in time I would be happy to bolt on a american marketed\chinese made carb and be done with it.   :)