Author Topic: Quadrajet high idle problems - I am stumped  (Read 3320 times)

Offline Norcalcruizer

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Quadrajet high idle problems - I am stumped
« on: February 21, 2016, 04:01:34 PM »
I have a 1976 SB 350 stock with a newly rebuilt Quadrajet with electic choke.  The carb runs fine with the exception of one problem I have failed to figure out.  The cold high idle will not step down to curb idle.  The only way for me to release is to either back off the screw on passenger side of carb or manually take my hand and fully open the throttle bracket well past what my throttle cable will allow.  I cant figure this out for the life of me.  I have tried adjusting electric choke, spraying carb cleaner in the linkage, comparing my old carb to new carb and everything on the new carb seems to be fine.  When I take the new carb off the vehicle I can manually engage the high idle lever and engage throttle less than 1/4 of full and it releases with no issues.  National Carburetors rebuilt the carb and from what I can tell did a good job on everything.  I have my old carb and the only difference I can see between the two is the old carb choke housing did not have the port sealed off to the housing where electric choke resides, where as my new carb has the port plugged up.  My old carb would have no problems kicking down the idle to curb idle once I bumped the throttle while the vehicle was warming up.  The choke on the new carb seems to work fine, have it adjusted so it closes with 1/8" opening when cold and slowly begins to open once the engine warms up.

Anyone have any idea why this happening?  I feel like its something stupid easy but I cant seem to figure it out.  I even had a second set of eyes on it and they could not figure out why this is happening.

Thanks for any feedback or suggestions....

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Quadrajet high idle problems - I am stumped
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2016, 03:16:23 AM »
If the choke is working correctly the fast idle cam should drop down to the lowest position once the choke flap is fully open.  When the cam drops to the lowest position it should no longer touch the fast idle adjustment.  This will allow you to adjust the engine speed on the drivers side.  Pretty simple stuff and they work well, provided the correct parts were used and the electric choke is good.

Being "rebuilt" by National Carburetors isn't helping much, we see a LOT of those coming in here for issues, and they are pretty "hacked" up and use low quality internals.........Cliff