Author Topic: Very rich at light throttle and cruising  (Read 6867 times)

Offline Overcamber

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Re: Very rich at light throttle and cruising
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2016, 03:52:25 PM »
been working long hours/ hoping to get to it wed/thurs this week

thanks guys

Offline Overcamber

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Re: Very rich at light throttle and cruising
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2016, 06:31:12 PM »
So I checked my vacuum advance and it won't hold a stitch of vacuum so tommmorrow I will be trying to locate one of those .  Today I picked up a new pole piece( ignition pickup) for in the distributor ( it tested ok but it won't last forever so now is the time to change it . ).  Also picked up a new fuel pump at the GM dealer as well .  I need to rule these things out as I proceed troubleshooting this issue .

Please add comments if you feel it will help me .

Thanks in advance .

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Very rich at light throttle and cruising
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2016, 03:15:01 AM »
The vacuum advance is a big player here.  It adds timing at light throttle cruise to help burn a lean mixture and provide improved engine efficiency.  Without it performance will be poor and you will have running issues, poor fuel economy, etc.

Also check the mechanical advance to make sure it's working correctly........Cliff

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Re: Very rich at light throttle and cruising
« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2016, 03:27:50 AM »
I'll be doing that today
Thanks again Cliff

Offline Overcamber

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Re: Very rich at light throttle and cruising
« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2016, 11:55:07 AM »
Well its been one hell of a bad/expensive day.    Started doing more t/s today and noticed the BrandNew choke pulloff on my carb is pooched> wont hold a stitch of vacuum> not sure what happenes now?? Cliff? I tested my old one and its still good so I put it on.

anyhow, this is what I've changed today and still have the same results:
new choke pulloff
new cap and rotor
new pickup coil
new vacuum advance
new plug wires
new spark plugs
new msd HEI coil
replaced 8 ft of vacuum line so every connection has a tight fit
tested every vacuum device under the hood to rule out any vacuum leak


was able to set the timing as per my emission decal,  suppose to be 6deg @550rpm in drive with vacuum advance disconnected and plugged... was able to do that but the truck is constantly missing and backfiring..i noticed with the timing light that it hits the timing mark for a couple beats but then the light flashes and the timing mark is gone??? did check the mechanical advance and it is in fact working.

next step is to check for garbage in the carb?..I don't know anymore?  any ideas?


Offline Overcamber

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Re: Very rich at light throttle and cruising
« Reply #20 on: April 28, 2016, 04:07:24 PM »
somthing to add since my earlier post today> I checked the spark at every cylinder while its running and its bright and strong for what its worth.

so in frustration I removed the carb and started a further inspection.  First thing I noticed was that the primary metering rods hanger had 1 half of it really bent about 1/8" higher than the other side> I thought for sure this was the overfueling problem.   

then I noticed that one of the main well bleed tubes was plugged at the end with a very hard substance(looked like an epoxy) I was able to grind it out after a period of time with a needle and flush it with brake cleaner. All the other orifices blew out clean.  I thought for sure that between the 2 things I found it would of cured my engine chugging and missing but its still the same...  grrrrrrrrrrrrr!

also the wide slot between both the primary and secondary flaps on the top is sealed with some sort of epoxy??( I think its the slot where you would put a float check tool in but I may be mistaken?  I can provide pics if needed?. is this normal? I know my carb I sent didn't have this?



Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Very rich at light throttle and cruising
« Reply #21 on: April 29, 2016, 03:04:09 AM »
The best thing to do at this point would be to send it back and we'll test it on our test engine and see if it has the same symptoms.

Backfiring is seldom a carb issue.  Most often it's an ignition issue, or worn cam lobe, stuck/sticking valve or broken valve spring.

Not sure how the power piston arm could be bent, we spend a lot of time making sure they are exactly even on the APT carburetors and verify that the carb works correctly on our test engine.  If they are off some it shows up quickly.

We block the "slot" in the airhorn or use the factory divider plate.  This keeps fuel from being sucked over into the secondaries when the flaps first open......Cliff

Offline Overcamber

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Re: Very rich at light throttle and cruising
« Reply #22 on: April 29, 2016, 03:09:15 AM »
Ok Cliff , going to check a few more things and will let you know what I decide .

Offline Overcamber

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Re: Very rich at light throttle and cruising
« Reply #23 on: May 02, 2016, 05:43:49 PM »
Well after further troubleshooting I've found my problem.  Cliff you were right! ( no suprise) . Went out to look for a 5,7 crossfire with my new wires I installed before I put it away for winter storage .  I didn't have the crossfire problem but did notice I had 2 plug wires side by side on the wrong posts on my distributer cap.  I gazed in disbelief and couldn't believe my eyes !! Embarrassing to admit .  I had a carb problem last fall and changed the wires because they were old .  It was at that time I introduced a 2nd problem besides the carb problem and never gave the firing order another thought assuming it was correct .  I learned a lot through all this and corrected a lot of problems I had going on under the hood .  The carb is now setup and runs perfectly .  Just want to thank everyone for all their input( especially Cliff for the support through this whole ordeal )

Cliff you have a pm from me regarding the choke pull off

Cheers. Gary

Offline Overcamber

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Re: Very rich at light throttle and cruising
« Reply #24 on: May 17, 2016, 02:56:37 PM »
Send you another pm cliff