Hey All,
I recently purchased a new (rebuilt) quadrajet from a reputable builder for my 283 with Edelbrock SP2P manifold. This Quadrajet, Serial# 17058222 bolted right up and ran great for about the last 100 miles, but this weekend, the truck it's installed in would barely hold an idle, stumbling badly down around 450RPM, instead of the 700ish I had it set to.
Covering the air inlet in the top of the carb smoothed out the idle immediately, so I knew I was looking for a vacuum leak. Investigating with Carb Cleaner showed a big change in idle when spraying around the base gasket, where the carb meets the intake manifold. The gasket used was supplied with the carburetor by the rebuilder. It's one of the 1/4" thick, open-plenum gaskets with nylon reinforcing rings around the bolt holes.
The throttle shafts on this carb should already be bushed, from the rebuilder, so I don't think thats the issue.
Could the throttle plate have warped this quickly? I was careful to only torque the bolts to 12-15 ft. lbs. and it doesn't seem like they've come loose. Are manifold gasket failures common? Could I have just gotten unlucky?
A question for Cliff: I had ordered a rebuild kit for my old Buick Qjet I was trying to revive previously. You provided both a thick "open plenum" gasket as well as a thin, 4-hole gasket. I'm sure there was a method behind your madness, and I never had that setup leak at the manifold. Should I be running a similar 4-hole gasket with this new carb (ID 17058222)?