Author Topic: unwarping tool finished and tested.  (Read 4722 times)

Offline omaha

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unwarping tool finished and tested.
« on: March 24, 2010, 03:47:29 AM »
Well, I finally got my home made "unwarping tool" finished. It cost me a total of about 8 dollars. The 1/2 inch plate was donated to the cause by an old friend of mine. (he's an old fart too). I borrowed my buds cutting torch and large drill press. My design ended up kind of like a sandwich design. One plate on top and bottom of the main casting all with bolts going through (the 8 bucks was for the bolts and nuts and washers) I also used some valve springs (which I already had got for free) that put pressure to the whole mess, 8 of them in various locations)  I made the thing universal so it fits all models. I actually tried it out and it works almost perfect. I say almost cause there is a few area where there is a gap of about 3-4 thousanths on the top part of the main casting.  Mostly on the front corner mounting bolt- section. I dont think 3-4 thousandths is gonna make that much of a difference, the gasket should take care of this I would assume. Anyway, not too bad for the first try I think. Might keep experimenting with the heating technique. I used a mid sized bullet heater believe it or not. Diesel fired. I sat the carb/tool in front of it and just rotated it every 5 minutes on each side. Had the valve springs really torqued down. Let me tell you it got seriously hot. Any way, the carb body I tried it on was really not that warped but still, you could see the warpage. Hard to see the warpage now and the bottom of the carb that mounts to the base plate is perfectly flat.{ As far as I can see using a steel rule}. amyway, will need to try it on a more warped unit to see how it does. More experimenting and maybe some fine tuning.
   I need to post some pictures but how do you shrink them down to fit on here?
   Any tips on posting pics would be greatly appreciated.

Offline Toronado

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Re: unwarping tool finished and tested.
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2010, 11:58:46 PM »
Thats very crafty, i have thought about sanding my slight warp
with a very large sander I have mounted, its about two
feet around. i figure if i mount a guide next to the sanding disc
i can slide the air horn or main casting back and forth tell it flat
starting with coarser grit and ending with a fine grit. i have not done it
yet but I want to do it. I have heard about the heating to unwarp the casting
I might try that method, you have got a cool homemade unit. What temp you running
at to unwarp it, i heard it heat unheat, and re-peat?

Offline jamesF

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Re: unwarping tool finished and tested.
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2010, 12:15:03 PM »
Very Cool.
Regarding pictures. I posted a bit of info in the LOBBY about this. Maybe it can help out.

« Last Edit: April 09, 2010, 10:12:46 AM by jamesF »

Offline Spudboy

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Re: unwarping tool finished and tested.
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2010, 11:39:38 AM »
 I've always wondered about those un-warping tools. The raised ridges on top of the body for gasket sealing, would the heat and pressure tend to flatten those out?

Offline omaha

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Re: unwarping tool finished and tested.
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2010, 01:38:55 AM »
    The unwarping tool, as far as I can tell, did not effect the ridges in the top of the casting. They are still there. Now, are they totally unaffected? Cant tell cause  I did not measure them on this first try but they are similar looking to other ridges on other carb bodies that I have taken apart.
    James F, thanks for the Picture info. Downloaded imageresizer. Now if I can find that disc that came with the camera....!!  (heck, I need to find the camera!) {man, am I dis-organized !)

Offline von

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Re: unwarping tool finished and tested.
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2010, 01:08:54 PM »
omaha, If no pics can you describe how your unwarping fixture? I have a couple 1/4" steel plates and BBC valve springs and want to make one. You might save me a lot of trial and error. Thanks.

Offline MrQjet

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Re: unwarping tool finished and tested.
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2016, 09:59:55 PM »
Shame on you Cliff. You did not make that so called home made tool!  We gave it to you the summer of 2009 along with a bunch of our superior stainless steal 7% lead bushings.  ???    You couldn't say enough about them.  :(     Then never heard from ya again... No call back and replies....  :(     Even consulted with you on some facts in your book... and not 1 acknowledgement or credit of any kind.  So it sounds like you copied it.  Your not marketing our patented unwarping tool are you...?  I think you should come clean with your customer.  --

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: unwarping tool finished and tested.
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2016, 02:43:42 AM »
I have not contributed to this thread and have no idea what you are talking about here for copying an unwarping tool????