Author Topic: New Project Quadrajet  (Read 2106 times)

Offline Jeff1

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New Project Quadrajet
« on: April 05, 2016, 07:57:45 AM »
Hello All.  I've been asked to help a friend out with his carb problems. Its in a mid 70s SS Chevelle  four speed car. He purchased it as a numbers matching original car  454ci 360 hp. The carb number is 7044502.  Before everyone jumps on me yes I am pretty sure this carb was used on small blocks wt auto trans. So much for numbers matching ,Right .
       His carb problems started with a failed accelerator pump which caused all kinds of issues.  The least of which was the fuel leakage.
      Now he's brought it to me to help get it back on track. He was happy with how it ran prior to the problems and would have never known it was not correct carb for his car. He just enjoys cars but doesn't work on them.
   I have used Cliff's kits and advice before with great success.
       So armed with all that I would like some opinions.  Can I improve the quality of how the engine runs with this carb? do I need to modify anything DCRs , Bypass air , bleeds  Idle tubes ?  Right now it contains the following Big needle and seat, Hangar (I) metering rods (CH) Primary metering rods( 46B) main jets (75), black power piston spring and pullover enrichment opening just above the edge of the air door. I have not measured the passages as of yet because I haven't gotten back to my shop with it. This was just the initial triage.  I will call Cliff to discuss it but I have learned so much from this forum  I'm hoping to give some back by discussing this project in the open.
Thanks   Jeff

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: New Project Quadrajet
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2016, 03:08:08 AM »
If you want it to work well then basically you will need to set it up like the original big block carburetor.  The 7044502 is for the small block auto trans engine, and WAY off everyplace from the original 1970 big block unit. 

The good news is that we stock all the parts to calibrate the later carb for the 454/360hp engine.  When you get time call the shop and we'll get what you need headed your way.......Cliff