I checked the carb today as you suggested and found no dribbling from the boosters
Backed out the adjusting screws, the idle became slightly worse
Turned the idle screws completely in and pretty much stopped the motor
Removed the carb and checked the transfer slot. It was exposed close to 3/32 or .092 and when the idle speed screw was backed off completely it was exposed slightly over 1/32
My idle screws are backed out about 2 1/2 turns and showing about 15 inches of vacuum at about 725 RPM
Initially I felt I was not getting anything when turning the screws in, even with a coil removed from the spring but today I did. Definitely not a huge change when backing them out though
When it starts cold and the choke is on and I completely close the flap it will die if left
Could all this be improved upon? (besides the cam at this point

You mentioned the jets and rod being lean also. What would you recommend