Author Topic: Found Three Early Q-Jets.  (Read 2821 times)

Offline rr67gto

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Found Three Early Q-Jets.
« on: April 28, 2010, 11:37:39 PM »
Greetings, I'm new here and wanted to share something interesting.  While looking through some old Q-jets on a shalf at a local junk yard, I found three early ones.  Not sure what they go to yet.  However, I was looking for a later Q-Jet to have Cliff rebuild for a 468 I have.   

7029244  KA...  7029241  ME. 0489... And this one has a round tag on the side. 7096200 I, believe.  It's a side inlet, and it's missing the bottom section.  I bought it, because my 1967 GTO carb also has the round tag on the side like this one does.  So, I'm still going to search for a couple of later Q-Jets to have built. 


Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Found Three Early Q-Jets.
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2010, 04:12:11 AM »
The first two are 1969 Buick carbs.

The last one may be a 66 Chevy big block unit, 7026200.   Pretty rare carburetor, but hopeless for using on a high powered 455 Pontiac build.

I think I have one here that's busted all up and rusted, etc, but has a complete baseplate?....Cliff

Offline rr67gto

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Re: Found Three Early Q-Jets.
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2010, 04:53:53 PM »
Cliff, thank you.  You are correct, I posted the wrong number for the Chevy Carb.  Older eyes, in dim lighting have a way of causing this.  Also, the base plate is what is missing from my Chevy carb.  I, believe everything else it there still.  I know none of the three Quadrajet's I found are what I'm looking for.  But, I will spend some more time looking until I get what I need.  Thanks again.
