Author Topic: Winter rebuilds  (Read 4249 times)

Offline Spudboy

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Winter rebuilds
« on: May 12, 2010, 03:44:19 PM »
  I rebuilt a couple of Q-Jets over the winter. I've always liked tearing into carbs, but with the advent of Cliff's book, drill bit, kit's and advice on the internet, my rebuilds are the best I've ever done.
Thanks Cliffs.
  First up is 1971 Buick 800 cfm 7041540. I installed Pontiac throttle shafts and choke setup for use on my 1970 Judge. Along with the rebuild I got to do some new things taught in Cliff's book.

Pull and replace the idle down tubes.  .036
Pull and reset the secondary discharge tubes.
Re-locate the secondary accelerating holes to under the flaps.
Construct a tool to hone the accelerator bore, and other things.

  I edit and publish my local GTOAA chapters newsletter. I took a series of photos and made a three issue story on the rebuild. One of the guys became interested and showed up with a copy of Cliff's book. I also showed another
one of my Pontiac buddies my kit from Cliff's. He paid more and received less in his kit.

  While not the brand new looking units for sale on ebay, it's good enough for me. I added some other Pontiac items. The front vent and cover (Undrilled), Ram Air boot, secondary lockout tab and HIC cover.

  If I want to do some back road testing with the G-Tech, I can ditch the choke setup and go with a better choke pulloff.

  My other Q-Jet is a 1972 Pontiac 7042272. My Judge is a 1970, so the Ram Air tub has the cutout for the tall vent.

  This 1972 also received the .036 idle down tubes and 68-71 throttle shafts. I replaced the rear top flaps that had the huge cutouts with solid ones I filed in a much smaller notch.

  A friend on mine recently saved me some Q-Jets. A couple were Chevy's, but there was also this 1973 Buick 800 cfm 703240. Dirty, but like Cliff says in his book, a diamond in the rough. It has smooth working linkage, minimal
warping, perfect threads and the nicest insides of any core Q-Jet I've had. This one will also go Pontiac.

  While the inlet threads on the 1971 Buick at the top were nice, I sure do like the redesign of the inlet gasket location. It eliminates those nasty surprises. On this 73 I broke the inlet lose with a wrench and hand screwed the inlet fitting out to find a pristine inlet area.

  I'm out of extra 68-71 Pontiac throttle shafts. I stopped by The Parts Place booth at the spring swap meet and bought their new Pontiac throttle shaft and choke cage kit. They seem nice.

  And last, Chip the wunder puppy.



Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Winter rebuilds
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2010, 05:19:19 AM »
Nice work!  We've been getting a lot of good reports from folks using our book, shaft bushing and complete rebuild kits to set up their own carburetors.

A few have given up and sent them here, but most have stuck with them with a great end result.

We try to be available by phone for tech assistance, but it is much better to email us instead......Cliff

Offline 69abody

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Re: Winter rebuilds
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2014, 11:30:00 PM »
I have a 7042240 carb that I want to do this conversion on. I do have a question about lack of positive stop for secondary lever. Currently the secondary shaft has a pin and stop extended to the passenger side. It looks like the pontiac style shaft is flush. Will this be a problem ?