Author Topic: Amazing how simular 1968 Buick base plates and 67GTO are  (Read 1300 times)

Offline Mr.Pontiac

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Amazing how simular 1968 Buick base plates and 67GTO are
« on: April 16, 2018, 05:55:44 PM »
Ive been studying this for quit some time and if you don,t mind differant part no.s the 68 Buick base plates are almost identical to the 67 GTO,s. You may have to drill 1 hole and if you have access to a milling machine simply mic the overall width of a 67 baseplate and mill access off the Buick unit. Mill off part no.s and you home free. Anybody have any thoughts or other things that need be done let me know!! May help a 67 GTO Rochester owner with a bad baseplate. Thank You for reading this!!