Author Topic: Any tips on removing the tubes under the secondary flaps in the air horn?  (Read 1994 times)

Offline 4SPEED76

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Just wondering how to remove the 2 tubes in the air horn, just under the secondary flaps so I can mill it straight and send it off to the plater?

Offline 429bbf

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most of them pull out easy ,i use a snap-on needle nose and grab them with the center round section . give them a slight twist and pull gently . don't squeeze to hard or you will dent the tube . fwiw

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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If you are talking about the fuel nozzles insert a relatively tight fitting punch into them and pry it around in a circle and they will fall right out.

Install new ones no matter what method you use to remove them as they will have lost their interference fit, we have new ones in stock and you can use a long 1/4" bolt with a nut on it to drive them in place......Cliff

Offline Mr.Pontiac

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Hope this helps somewhat, i use a hair dryer and heat around the airia up and really makes a differance getting them out.

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Regardless of the removal method used install new ones.   If and when these fall out they will go directly into your engine and it will not be happy about it.......Cliff