Author Topic: 7037211 whats it worth  (Read 3854 times)

Offline BLUE TA

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7037211 whats it worth
« on: November 14, 2018, 06:11:17 PM »
hi guys, newbie here I,ve been into q-jets for 40 years and I think its time to move a few. I have a 7037211 that came on a 325hp 396 ca car that had a smog pump. its in very nice condition sitting on my desk in my office for 25 years. do you guys have a ballpark idea what its worth? thanks for any insite. BLUE TA

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: 7037211 whats it worth
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2018, 05:03:35 AM »
Is it an original unit with a round tag or stamped number?

BIG difference in value for Service Replacement carburetors with original Plant Codes and Julian dates vs later production SR units......Cliff

Offline BLUE TA

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Re: 7037211 whats it worth
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2018, 05:10:09 PM »
thanks for the reply cliff,  I just looked at it again and its stamped 7037211 and julian date 2717  I don't see any other letters stamped. those would be plant codes? I took it off of a IV suffix code 396 many years ago. I have another one just like it on my 67 396 elcamino EV suffix code. it has AIR smog system also its a ca car built in Fremont ca. thanks, BLUE TA

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: 7037211 whats it worth
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2018, 03:16:07 AM »
If it doesn't have a round tag then it's a Service Replacement for 1967.  Probably built in 1977 instead of 1967.

Still valuable, but much less than an original round tag unit with the Plant Code and model year dated......Cliff

Offline BLUE TA

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Re: 7037211 whats it worth
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2018, 10:39:35 AM »
 thanks cliff, strange I ended up with two 7037211 qjets stamped with julian codes ending in 7. did all 1967 qjets have round tags?

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: 7037211 whats it worth
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2018, 01:09:37 PM »
Original 1965-67 and early 1968 units will have round tags pressed and staked into a recess in the main casting on the drivers side, at least from what I've seen here. 

Below is an exert from some information on-line referencing Rochester and Carter built carburetors:

For 1967, the Rochester Monojet (1MV) and Rochester Quadrajet (4MV) carburetors had the date code, identification number, change letter, and broadcast code stamped on a round metal disk pressed into a recess on the driver's side of the main body. The date code is again in a letter/number format where the letter is the month of manufacture and the number is the year, e.g., C7.

Starting in 1968, the Rochester Monojet (1MV) identification number was roll stamped into the drivers side of the float bowl, along with the broadcast code.
The very early 68 Quadrajets (4MV) had the identification number, date code, and broadcast code stamped into the round metal disk pressed into a recess on the driver's side of the main body (like the 67 Quadrajets). Later Quadrajet carburetors were roll stamped into the vertical boss on the driver's side main body (just behind the secondary throttle shaft). The date code was stamped either on the base of the carburetor toward the rear on the driver's side of the car, or on the vertical boss next to the identification number. The date will be in a four-digit format (where the first three numbers are the Julian day and the last number being the year).

Carter-built 4MV Quadrajet carburetors will show the "MFG BY CARTER" designation and continued using the date code format where the letter is the month of manufacture and the number is the year, e.g., C8.

There is also some confusion with roll stamped SR or Service Replacement units.  In 1967, for example a Quadrajet starting with 703 instead of 702 indicated CA emissions or A.I.R. was used on that engine.

In later years when they made batches of SR carburetors for the 1967 model year they were roll stamped starting with "703" instead of 702.  Some literature on the subject indicates that using a "3" instead of a "2" on the later roll stamped units meant they were SR units not strictly for A.I.R or CA applications.

Doesn't really matter either way and I'm not taking sides or going to get into a pissing contest with anyone about it.  I do know from what I've seen here original 1967 Quadrajets will have a round tag on the main casting vs being roll stamped.........Cliff

Offline BLUE TA

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Re: 7037211 whats it worth
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2018, 03:12:37 PM »
thanks again cliff, great info. funny having those qjets all these years thinking they were original to the engines I got them with. I was assuming 703 was correct for cal smog 396,s. even at my age you learn something every day. I can barely pee and miss my feet so I sure wouldn't want to get into a contest. LOL BLUE TA

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: 7037211 whats it worth
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2018, 01:26:08 AM »
Service Replacement carburetors may not have the same calibration as the originals even though they share the same part number. 

This allowed them to be used on a wider variety of applications.

A good example of this is the Chevrolet 7029207.  The SR which is pretty common and sold over the counter as a replacement for a wide variety of early Chevy engines doesn't use the same jets/metering rods as an original dated unit that sports a Plant Code.......Cliff

Offline BLUE TA

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Re: 7037211 whats it worth
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2018, 04:45:49 PM »
hi cliff, happy holidays. I was charging the battery on the el camino and looked at the q-jet on it. it is a 7037211 too with the same 2717 julian code. I,ve noticed that both of the carbs have plastic fast idle cams on them orangeish color. would they have used the plastic on the SR carbs in 1977?  also the 211 I have in my office does have correct jets in it. AX secondary rods and the right primary rods and  jets. do you have a idea what these carbs are worth even as SR carbs? thanks, BLUE TA

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: 7037211 whats it worth
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2018, 02:46:02 AM »
Not sure about values on those.

Having the same date on them is common for Service Replacement units.  The factory often did them in pretty large batches.  I've seen the same trend for the Pontiac Ram Air SR carburetors, many having the same Julian date.......Cliff

Offline BLUE TA

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Re: 7037211 whats it worth
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2018, 10:58:50 AM »
thanks cliff, I,ve  learned a lot on the SR q-jets. thanks again and have a great xmas, BLUE TA

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: 7037211 whats it worth
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2018, 01:42:30 AM »
Not a problem, glad to help out.  Hope you have a great holiday season as well......Cliff