Author Topic: Carb Starting point  (Read 3991 times)

Offline BBvetteDRVR

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Re: Carb Starting point
« Reply #15 on: September 06, 2018, 03:37:09 PM »
Now that the piston isn't sticking anymore it's back to where it was last year and drive-able again. Probably always dribbled a little but not enough to cause an issue.
I think I've got the carb as good as I can get it at this point and believe if I can just drop the rpm a little more it'll probably stop any remaining drips.

Pulled the dizzy, endplay is good, bushings seem good and the only thing I see at all is the advance weight springs, even the heaviest ones I have, don't seem to do anything for the weights when they are in closed and they open more than I'd expect before the springs start to have any affect.
Not sure if it's adding any timing but it can't be helping.
I took both weights off and compared them to another set and they seem identical.
Not sure if the center cam bit they run on is worn so much that they close too much or whats going on there.
Going to wire the weights closed and see what that does to the idle and go from there.