Author Topic: Accelerator pump sticking down and returning slowly  (Read 3194 times)

Offline bcarlson78248

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Accelerator pump sticking down and returning slowly
« on: January 17, 2019, 12:54:50 PM »
I've been trying to fix an off-idle bog, which got a lot worse in cold weather. 

Today I finally noticed that about half the time the accelerator pump piston only returns a little over half way, and then very slowly comes all the way up.  I assume the sticky pump piston may be the source of my off-idle bog, since I don't get a normal pump shot about half the time.

My current accelerator pump assembly was purchased from Cliff in 2012 when I rebuilt the carb, and I looked it over last August when I had the carb off to swap out jets.  It has the blue seal and did not look in bad shape; however, I'm not sure what to look for.   

What do I need to fix this issue with my 17080213 carburetor?   Should I just buy the Quadrajet HP Accelerator Pump Assembly?

I also want to buy a new gasket and long filter.



Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Accelerator pump sticking down and returning slowly
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2019, 04:09:54 AM »
Just order a new gasket/filter and we'll put a new seal in the shipment as they are lifetime warranty.  I've never to date had to replace one of ours, however, the gal who switches out the seals on the pumps we buy may have missed it.  That has happened a handful of times over the years as we've swapped out tens of thousands of them since opening back in 2003......Cliff

Offline bcarlson78248

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Re: Accelerator pump sticking down and returning slowly
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2019, 06:22:17 AM »

Thanks for the information.

The accelerator pump I have was purchased from you in 2012, so is it the newer design you have now?   Would it be better to buy the entire pump assembly and have all new parts?


Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Accelerator pump sticking down and returning slowly
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2019, 02:15:40 AM »
We are servicing all the pumps we ever sold with the new seal but that's about the time when we started using them. 

We found that the "blue" seals on the pumps from the suppliers was "soft" and swelling up/sticking in the pump bores.

They didn't step up so we did and have had zero issues with the new seals aside from a couple of incidences where they didn't get switched out.

Our seal is dark blue, and very tough, like alligator hide, not soft and pliable like silicone rubber.

Doesn't matter as we're sending a new seal with your order no charge, many thanks.....Cliff