Author Topic: Feeding a Q-Jet with Aeromotive electric fuel pump system  (Read 1700 times)

Offline PonchoVia

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Feeding a Q-Jet with Aeromotive electric fuel pump system
« on: October 31, 2019, 08:53:00 AM »
In the process of changing fuel supply system to Aeromotive pumps and lines to support 600+ hp.

Have -08 fittings on the way.

Is there anything I   need to know about attaching this to a Q jet? a recommended fitting to replace the filter housing on the 17058276

Where is a good spot to mount the pressure regulator?

what lines are preferred? Braided...would like to use Fuel injected rated lines for possible future expansion.
1980 Trans Am WS6
17058276 Q-Jet, Edelbrock Performer,
400 +0.040, Comp xe264h, 8.5 compression
Ram Air exhaust
2004r by CPT, PTFB 9

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Feeding a Q-Jet with Aeromotive electric fuel pump system
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2019, 09:11:49 AM »
We sell -8AN fuel filter housings for that carb number, either short or long ones.

I like to mount the regulator fairly close to the carb and prefer a return style with high output electric pumps.

The folks that make most of them say you can run them "dead head", but I've found they don't last long and can be pretty noisy without a way to send the unused fuel back to the tank and take some load off the pump.......Cliff

Offline lightning boy

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Re: Feeding a Q-Jet with Aeromotive electric fuel pump system
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2019, 11:51:25 AM »
Return style is the way to go. Not trying to knock what anyone else is doing but a factory in-tank fuel pump is
better in the long run. they are designed to run 300,000 miles and the in tank design will keep the pump cooler. You can cut your tank, or if you have a popular car, a tank will be available to install an in-tank pump. A Bosch 044 or a Denso unit off a mid 90's Supra will feed anything to about 700HP.
Put the pressure regulator after the carb.

Offline PonchoVia

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Re: Feeding a Q-Jet with Aeromotive electric fuel pump system
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2019, 07:36:48 AM »
So f/p reg on the fender liner or firewall? or near the original pump location with a line following the original fuel line up to the carb.

Seems I'm having a hard time visualizing where to mount all of this for the junction of feed/return lines and line to the carb.

Please recommend lines to use.
1980 Trans Am WS6
17058276 Q-Jet, Edelbrock Performer,
400 +0.040, Comp xe264h, 8.5 compression
Ram Air exhaust
2004r by CPT, PTFB 9

Offline carmantx

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Re: Feeding a Q-Jet with Aeromotive electric fuel pump system
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2019, 07:00:11 PM »
Recommend PTFE teflon and stainless lined hoses for today
'72 Buicks for fun and drag racing
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