Author Topic: Quadrajet stumbling after rebuild?  (Read 2400 times)

Offline CamaroDan

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Quadrajet stumbling after rebuild?
« on: September 08, 2020, 04:31:02 PM »
Hi all,

Quadrajet #17054929.

Here’s the deal the carb was running perfectly before hand. Then I took it apart because I decided to notch the secondary air flaps like I have seen in cliffs book. While it was apart I also formed a new seat for the check ball as it wasn’t holding fuel. That’s all I touched. Put it back together and the first thing I noticed was the car was idling a lot lower like it was almost about to stall and when I would accelerate it would spit and back fire and have no power at all. So I assumed it must have got dirty in the process and maybe clogged up a passage. So I took it apart again and pulled everything out, jets, needle seat etc and blew out everything and all passages with compressed air. Didn’t pull idle tubes, just used compressed air and a thin bit of wire.

Put it all back together and it was idling nicely this time but still when I would ease on the gas pedal the rpms would drop a little and would kind of bog/spit.  But when I plant it and open the secondary’s it has no problems at all.

I thought maybe the notched air flaps had cause the car to run to lean. Only small notches were used like cliffs book mentioned. Covered the notches with tape to test and it didn’t make a difference.

Any suggestions?


Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Quadrajet stumbling after rebuild?
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2020, 04:44:38 AM »
Notched air flaps have nothing to do with making it run lean anyplace.

If it was working fine before you took it apart, and now it's not, something was changed during that process.

Did you put one of my rebuild kits in it?

Offline CamaroDan

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Re: Quadrajet stumbling after rebuild?
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2020, 10:48:39 AM »
Thanks for the reply Cliff on both of my posts, okay I have it apart  at the moment all will check over everything again and give it another good cleaning and hope that fixes it. Like you said nothing has changed so must just be something sticking not very clean.

No I haven’t put one of your kits in. I am from New Zealand and finding Q jet parts over here is pretty much impossible. Do you do international shipping? Would love to buy your rebuild kits and a choke pull off for my carb like you mentioned in my other post.

Thanks for your help!


Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Quadrajet stumbling after rebuild?
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2020, 04:32:40 AM »
I ship overseas and to Canada daily and familiar with Customs requirements, etc.  It's not all that expensive to ship overseas if you stay under 2 lbs.  Usually around $18-25 US.  You can email me directly at  Thanks....Cliff