Author Topic: Flat spot/bog in 1st gear, after shifting gears  (Read 4672 times)

Offline 2Low8s

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Re: Flat spot/bog in 1st gear, after shifting gears
« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2022, 11:32:59 AM »
Quick follow up.

Idle tubes resized to .033, and couldn't get the down channel restrictions out to resize. Rolled with the single change.

No changes.

Idle increases noticeably when I pull the vacuum cap that I connect my gauge.

Need more bypass air??

Online quadrajam

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Re: Flat spot/bog in 1st gear, after shifting gears
« Reply #16 on: August 01, 2022, 05:05:44 PM »
Yes try more bypass air. Make sure all the original bypass passages
Are open. Both sides.

Offline 2Low8s

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Re: Flat spot/bog in 1st gear, after shifting gears
« Reply #17 on: August 02, 2022, 10:25:43 AM »
Made sure both sides were open from baseplate to airhorn.

Opened up the bypass air (both sides) from .070 to .113, going .010 at a time in 4 steps and then testing idle functions at each step/increase.  If I turn the screws in all the way vacuum drops and gets more erratic and it idles rougher but still can't kill it with the screws. At 1 turn out on both sides it idles smoother than before, and part throttle is much crisper, stronger and not 'jerky' when cruising.  If I remove my vacuum gauge to create a leak the RPMs still increase, but not as much as previously.

New development though.  On my test drive, WOT just isn't working, as if it's choking out all the way to redline.  Maybe need to loosen my air door spring?  I believe it's around 1 turn in.  WOT was the only 'part' of the carb I had dialed in before!

Online quadrajam

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Re: Flat spot/bog in 1st gear, after shifting gears
« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2022, 02:50:09 PM »
That,s PLENTY of idle bypass air. Now get the engine fully warmed up
and set the idle speed screw as slow as it will stay running and then try the idle mixture
adjustment screws again. If you still cant stall the engine with the screws in don't worry
about it. It should at least cause a stumble. Sometimes it just beeees like that.
If it idles OK run it.

About the new WOT issue, I don't know why that would just show up......
Do you have that Choke/air flap interlock still on the side of the carb....??
 1 full turn is a lot. But if it was good before I don't know what would have changed.
3/4 turn would sound more normal if the rest of the secondary is OK.
If in doubt get a spring/cam kit from CHP. 
Keep at it you'll get it whipped.

Offline 2Low8s

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Re: Flat spot/bog in 1st gear, after shifting gears
« Reply #19 on: August 08, 2022, 09:50:05 PM »
Finally got more time tonight to mess with it. It kept getting better the more I increased the tension on the spring. Pulled the airhorn off and discovered a secondary rod had fallen out of the hanger. Looks like I'll be replacing those- the elbow that keeps it in the hanger is gone on the one that fell out.

After putting it back together, it ran like it should. I'll mess with the mixture screws again tomorrow to sanity check my calibration and then finish adjusting APT.

Just need it to stay below 90* outside so I can enjoy driving the car (1LE clone/AC delete car) topless to work.  I sincerely appreciate all the help and insight!

Offline 2Low8s

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Re: Flat spot/bog in 1st gear, after shifting gears
« Reply #20 on: August 09, 2022, 04:33:30 PM »
Last follow up. I swear!

Retuned with vacuum gauge after fixing the secondary rod, and got some mixture screw control. Got it 3 turns out both sides. Car runs better than ever.

Don't know much about that Justin feller or the Case family, but placed an order through Cliffs for parts I need and probably don't need, but Justin Case.

Wish I would have discovered Cliff, his book and forum prior to getting fleeced on Jet Performance. Cliff and everybody here's been right more than my wife.