Author Topic: th350 lost 3rd gear  (Read 1365 times)

Offline stevef

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th350 lost 3rd gear
« on: May 27, 2022, 09:04:10 AM »
Hi everyone. My th350 lost 3rd gear, and reverse chatters a bit. Dropped the pan, and there was a lot of friction material and metallic sludge in the pan, so it was evident that I lost 3rd gear clutches. To see what would happen, I cleaned out the pan, installed a new filter, and drove it around some more. 3rd gear came back temporarily at slower speed, but once I got up to a higher speed, it let go again. But I was able to drive back home in 2nd gear. Other than losing 3rd gear it ran fine. So, I know I have to rebuild. I have Cliff's book, but I didn't see my concern addressed in the book. My concern is that some of this material got into the torque converter and the trans cooler in the radiator. I read somewhere else that before I remove the transmission, I could flush the converter and cooler by disconnecting the return cooler line at the radiator and attach a hose at the cooler outlet to go into a bucket, and starting the car and flush the fluid into the bucket until the fluid is clean, adding new fluid as necessary. Would that be sufficient to clean out the system to prevent contamination of the rebuilt transmission after re-installation? Or should I do something else? Thanks

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: th350 lost 3rd gear
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2022, 03:18:28 AM »
The torque converter is part of the transmission sharing the same fluid.  When you pump all that ground up material through the transmission it also goes thru the converter.  The converter should be rebuilt or replaced, not simply flushed out and put back in service. 

The cooling lines and related components need to be flushed so you don't pump a bunch of ground up metal and clutch material into the new trans and converter.......

Offline stevef

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Re: th350 lost 3rd gear
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2022, 02:28:57 PM »
Thanks for the fast reply Cliff! I would've thanked you sooner, but I didn't get notice of an answer, so didn't know anyone had replied. I'll have to check my notifications settings and make sure they aren't going to spam :-) . Thanks again!