General Category > Shop News

Storm On Monday


Cliff Ruggles:
Big storm ripped thru here Monday and we took the worst of it.  Power just got restored, no Internet of phone service and no telling when they'll get that back up.

So if you try to contact me via the shop phone or Email I can't respond.  I can respond to PM's here, and still able to fill orders, etc.

It will be at least another week before things are cleaned up here and back to "normal"........Cliff

Cliff Ruggles:
We are finally back up and running.  If you placed an order while we were shut-down it is either shipped or being filled and will ship today or tomorrow.  Orders placed this week are running a couple of days behind.

We still have some clean-up to do but good news is that we have power back and no major damage done to buildings or property. 

My generator got a good work-out, but performed flawlessly for nearly a week.

If you called the shop while we were down and got the answering machine or voice mail I'll be returning those calls ASAP.  There were over 100 messages so be patient.  Don't assume I got the message either, some didn't come thru so if you need to get hold of me or place an order call back this week.....tks.....Cliff

Cliff Ruggles:


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