Sorry for the double-post: I thought I had fixed the issue, but it is not resolved.
'75 Eldorado, carb rebuilt with Cliff's kit a few weeks ago. Has been running very nicely. This week I'm experiencing acceleration issues. Driving on the highway up a hill around 70mph, the car will lose speed, even at WOT. Not normal for the car - they accelerate slow at that range, but they should accelerate. Also getting a slight hesitation at slower speeds (accelerating from a stop sign, for example).
New symptom tonight when I took it for a drive in the cooler temperature: driving 20-30mph and flooring the accelerator results in the car failing to accelerate - it sort of "grinds" (not really a loud noise, but that's the best I can think of to describe it) and does not speed up as it should, and will even do what sounds like a backfire.
I would appreciate any help in diagnosing...I'm considering if it could be a fuel delivery issue, although tank is pretty clean, and fuel pump is new.
A couple questions:
1) Any carburetor parts or settings I should check?
2) what should fuel pressure be at the carb (I main run a gauge to check that, and replace the fuel filter to be safe)?
3) What is the backfire telling me, and are there any further diagnostic steps I should take?
Thank you in advance!