Author Topic: Filter Needed  (Read 1350 times)

Offline MBP

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Filter Needed
« on: November 14, 2022, 08:33:53 AM »
Hello. I have a 69 Quadrajet that has the G432 filter installed and also a filter about a foot on the outlet of the gas tank. Taking apart the carb. I realized that it also has the short paper filter in the inlet of the carb.
My question is, do I need the paper filter at the inlet when I have two other filters before the carburetor. What would be any pros or cons if a new one was not reinstalled?
Also, when reassembling the base plate to main body and other screws in the carburetor is something such as Loctite used to prevent screws from backing off? Thanks and take care.

Offline Kenth

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Re: Filter Needed
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2022, 02:27:37 PM »
I have found that the nylon sock in tank and the filter in carb is adequate. Extra filters may restrict fuel flow.

Loctite is fine for throttle blade screws and there is no real need for lock washers for the base plate screws or any other screws on the carb even though 1975 and later units uses them.

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Filter Needed
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2022, 02:44:32 AM »
Rubber  hose and clamps on the pressure side of the carb is a recipe for disaster.  I'd get rid of the external filter and put a solid line between the pump and carb and retain the filter inside the carburetor. 

If you bought one of my rebuild kits it will come with a new filter and spring, plus the secondary cam/spring, complete accl pump with new springs and a retainer for the power piston.  I also sell fastener kits which include slotted drive screws to hold the baseplate to the main casting.  You can get a lot more torque on them than the factory phillips head screws.......