Author Topic: Dreaded nozzle drip 17056200  (Read 11360 times)

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Dreaded nozzle drip 17056200
« Reply #30 on: December 22, 2022, 03:44:46 AM »
Good numbers!

The secondary side hanging up after going to WOT is not in need of "bushings".  Most of the time when that happens the secondary throttle plates are not well indexed and centered. 

I've also seen too much epoxy applied to the bottom plugs cause that issue as it binds things up when the baseplate is tightened to the main body.

Third cause is insufficient clearance between the lever on the shaft and link that opens them.

The factory left some clearance on the secondary side for a reason and if you get it too tight back there the huge secondary throttle plates will not be able to effective close and seat in the bores.......