Author Topic: Pulled the "hot rod " out of mothballs  (Read 1805 times)

Offline Mudsport96

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Pulled the "hot rod " out of mothballs
« on: February 09, 2023, 12:14:34 PM »
So we had a nice streak of weather this week. I also had some free time which never happens either. So i was able to get the nova out for a drive. Dumped a little gas in the carb to prime the fuel bowl and she popped right off till it ran dry, repeat, and she stayed running. After a short idle warm up, blipped the throttle and came off idle. Checked trans fluid and radiator, all good. Pulled out on the road and laid into it.... and even with year and a half old gas in the tank she squawked the tires on the 1-2 shift and pulled hard up to 5500 in 2nd.....then no brakes....
Luckily i had plenty of room to let what i had for brakes slow me, but rear drums alone aren't great. Popped a front line when i hit the pedal. So that is on order.
But, it is great that even sitting as long as it did the quadrajet had no problems performing like it should. I did put stabil in it but i only idled it a few times last year as work just didnt allow for me to really drive it any. I guess being low compression keeps it from being too picky haha.

Offline GSP7

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Re: Pulled the "hot rod " out of mothballs
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2023, 04:32:35 PM »
Didnt happen with out pictures  :D

Offline Mudsport96

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Re: Pulled the "hot rod " out of mothballs
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2023, 04:41:10 AM »
Well, ok. Let's see if i can get a photo to attach