Author Topic: New guy with fuel issue  (Read 1839 times)

Offline Handyman57

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New guy with fuel issue
« on: August 22, 2023, 09:46:37 AM »
New guy here so don't beat me up too bad ,lol !!
Have a 327 with a rebuilt (not by me )#7029223 Qjet that seems to be loading up and bogs and hesitates on WOT. Just noticed both  gaskets wet and saturated in fuel. Going to check fuel pressure ( stock mechanical pump) tonight. Any other things I should check ? Again , I'm new to carb building and issues but I'm wanting to learn . Thanks

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: New guy with fuel issue
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2023, 04:09:37 PM »
Loading up and bogging are two separate issues.  Wet gaskets another. 

What have you done to the carb so far?

Offline Handyman57

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Re: New guy with fuel issue
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2023, 04:56:40 PM »
I purchased the carb already rebuilt. My friend helped me adjust it when we first got the car running. Seemed to run fine for normal driving, but after a few WOT runs started hesitating at higher rpms , and then from a stop to WOT started bogging . Then seems to load up and not want to stay running and sometimes dies,and hard to restart. I smelled fuel and found the baseplate and top gasket soaked in fuel. I haven't driven since. Sorry,  Don't know any details on the rebuild.

Offline Handyman57

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Re: New guy with fuel issue
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2023, 10:14:38 AM »
Sorry, not much info. I hate not knowing what was actually done or what's inside. Would like to tear it down to find out this winter .

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: New guy with fuel issue
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2023, 02:03:37 AM »
Being "rebuilt" typically means it will be worse than if it were left alone. 

Most likely it got a cheap POS rebuild kit from a parts store or on-line source which never works out well.  We also don't know the skill level of the person installing the kit. 

I've been doing this over 45 years and it's rare to see a "rebuilt" carb that doesn't have multiple issues.

I just took one in that worked poorly that was completely rebuild and restored by a very reputable company.  I found 11 issues with it, some minor, a couple were showstoppers.

The plating and coloring of the castings was excellent, so at least it would have made a nice ornament and display piece on the owners coffee table, but was never going to be up to par for his new "high performance" engine build.

When you get ready to dive into the carb make sure to get one of my rebuild kits for it.  It will contain the correct parts and lifetime warranty in any type of fuel.......

Offline Handyman57

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Re: New guy with fuel issue
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2023, 08:54:20 AM »
Thanks Cliff . Going to check it over and try to make some adjustments and try to get it so I can drive it a little and then just do a complete teardown and start from scratch with you kits and recommendations. My brother has bought a lot of parts from you in the past and done my work but he hasn't been able to for awhile. I have purchased your book and going to learn myself. Not giving up on the QJets !!