Author Topic: Performance & mileage of a Quadrajet late model 800cfm  (Read 5735 times)

Offline kelley555

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Performance & mileage of a Quadrajet late model 800cfm
« on: November 30, 2010, 06:37:35 PM »
As a guess estimation,is there any HP loss between a Demon/Holley & a Quadrajet 800cfm done with the Cliff's mods in a sbc 400 ci plus,9.5  to 1 cr ,Afr Elim. 195 cc heads,Crane hydraulic roller motor around .600 lift & Mid. 230's dur,around a 530 hp. motor? An occasional drag strip visit,but mostly a street driver,maybe a long run now & then of couple hundred or so.Will the Chevelle cruize with 3.73 gears;3000 Hughes stall/turbo 350,then allow the highway MPG to be tolerably.Kelley

Offline omaha

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Re: Performance & mileage of a Quadrajet late model 800cfm
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2010, 11:31:55 PM »
   I believe there is no loss of HP when set up correctly and definetly better MPG.
The dual venturi design and small primary size contrbute to better mpg's. The secondary side may give up a few hp sometimes to the holley.  (not always though).
   Hopefully the 3000 stall convertor wont be too unlivable on the street. This may determine the "streetability" and MPG's.  Hey, what the heck, it's worth a shot to try one at least. One thing for sure, they are low investment to start with. The key is knowing all the tricks to them.

Offline kelley555

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Re: Performance & mileage of a Quadrajet late model 800cfm
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2010, 06:37:58 PM »
Pour folks have pour ways.My neighbor has a Pro street nova (Yamaha dealer).He thinks I've gone crazy putting a quadrajet.He didn't watch the old super stockers back in the day,he spent too time on his motorcycle or he hit his head.He needs to stay with those crotch rockets.I notice his wife  won't ride with him any more,hot as hell in the summer in Houston & she freezes with no heater core in the winter. !I'd get another Pro Street car if I was him! Gas is eating him up,he's talking about a R700 overdrive now.Maybe he needs to consider a q-jet & get the Holley & single plane off his car. My Chevelle's  ac & heater core is nice,no matter when I decide to drive the car. If not,my wife says: Let take the Saturn,you blame her.The most money street racing we ever made was with a Nova,with a 400 sbc & a Quadrajet & exhaust manifolds. We'd pop the hood & just set & here they'd come. Pretty high cr, 4.10 & a powerglide,w/stall,it won us a lot.We ran one guy that was twice,he may have had one to many.Once his beast,the Impala with a rat. He got beat & ask,how late you gonna be out here,we replied late? He came back a little later,with his 454 truck to run,this would get the Impala. Needless to say,his reaction time the second race was about a 10 second reaction time to the flagger,maybe it threw him off when the hands went down. We just drove out when he left. That was the days.We ate pretty good at the late night diner, & laughed our b-tts off,about the night. Many a night ,we changed shoe polish on the window,it turn a 10 second car into a 13 one,hauling a 10 second motorcycle in the back of the truck.Pick your poison guys,we'd say.You'd be surprised at how many 13 second car's with cheater slicks that were hard as a rock,that got drug behind a wrecker to race us.Kinda similar to the movie AMERICAN GRAFFIT.I think I'll just sit back & enjoy,cause I ran out of money on the old project & I had to sell the new Holley dp & replace it with the old q-jet.That what happens when you need the money to finish the car.I'm glad my friend's mom give up her 265ci for my car.Later Kelley

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Performance & mileage of a Quadrajet late model 800cfm
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2010, 04:37:52 AM »
Done correctly, the Q-jet will probably be just as fast if not faster.  Nothing better than being able to control the secondary opening rate at the dragstrip for varying track conditions.

The best part I like about running a Q-jet on a factory intake is the "priceless" looks I get in final rounds at a big race when folks walking thru the staging lanes take a gander under the hood!

They just can't believe you can run that fast with "stock" parts in a daily driven car!......Cliff

PS:  here is a link to my car in the King of the Hill race at the Tri-Power Nationals back in 2006.  This is after beating up on everyone to get to the final race of the event.

My old engine was making about 514hp at that time, running mid to high 11's in the August heat.

My new engine makes over 550hp, and runs nearly into the 10's in the same weather, pump gas, daily driven, etc....

Offline kelley555

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Re: Performance & mileage of a Quadrajet late model 800cfm
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2010, 06:27:34 PM »
Cliff,the video was great.Good running car & now you have it flying even better.Uneducated people just follow the norm & believe anything that's advertised & marketed heavy.No telling what these big companies spend money wise bs'ing people.The American Way is someone who  marketed it as being better,so let's all buy it.Proof's in the pudding,it looks like you have plenty of pudding around there. It always amazed me how the S/S rear bumper went toward the ground & in the front there sat a q-jet on the engine.My neighbor's a good guy but he's into the latest &  greatest. He seems to always have problem's because he's listening & trying to inhale the smoke blown at him. The q-jet carb will work good,not sacrificing hp & not being a gas guzzler on road trips.My neighbor has to fake drive his car,with an enclosed trailer,within a few miles of where he's headed to unload. This is too much work,almost like a show car,you spit shine & then wipe. This ain't for me,I don't want it,if it don't drive fast & not run hot. I can see what you were talking about the late model q-jet casting design problem. I'll probably just wipe a little epoxy unless I get bored.If so,I'll get the tap,screws,locktight & fab a plate,maybe a holiday project.. Bless the people that have to endure the pain & loss of their family member's in your area. It's ashame that bad things have to happen in a good neighborhood close to holidays. Pray for our troop's serving our country during these holidays,they're making it safe. Later Kelley

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Performance & mileage of a Quadrajet late model 800cfm
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2010, 04:46:13 AM »
+1 for prayers fo the poor family who was slaughtered.  Sarah Maynard survived that ordeal, and is making a good recovery, she's a tough little gal at 13 years old.  That occured about a mile from my house.

I am the Chief Investigator for the Coroner's Office here in Knox County, so have been working on that case.  It's a part time deal for me, but rest assured everything was done at the crime scene and during the autopsy's to make sure this guy NEVER gets the chance to do this again!

If you see the footage on CNN or Nancy Grace, I'm the guy with the orange vest on......Cliff

Offline kelley555

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Re: Performance & mileage of a Quadrajet late model 800cfm
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2010, 08:34:11 PM »
There ought to be a roasting party going on.  Save the taxpayer's money.  Light the fire.  My son-in-law fought 3 times in Iraq to live & Afghanistan is coming.  We have a scum bag like this in America.  Why did this have to happen?  It could have been you & I, except for the awareness that there might be a piece of s--t lurking.  We shouldn't have to lock our doors in America.  That's why I have a gun & my trusty bear/lion/bobcat/coon/hog do, yeah even bay's alligators, handy.  She's with me doing yard work, yeah I'm still working on it, having the dog ride the zero turn lawnmower with me.  Since they tried to rob the neighbor next door & hit the local Ace Hardware Store just last night, good neighborhoods are bs.  We supposedly live in one, but they come out here to steal from us that have a few things.  At any given grocery store, people think I'm nuts.  The wife gets escorted by 90 lbs. of pure terror, she will not stop till something is dead or bayed in their tracks.  The other day, the wife had called about a bank robber in her work area.  Our daughter lives in the same area so I called & told her to take her pistol with her & be sure to run over anybody's a-- that tries to get in.  When are people going to learn it's easier to just "work."  I watch Nancy Grace all the time, so I'll check it out & watch the broadcast.  I can see you live many hundreds of miles away & have the same problem.  "EASY MONEY' or dope money is a BIG problem.  Nose candy is everywhere.  I'm sure you've seen the broadcast about the couple who we're on the lake along the South Texas border.  The DRUG LORDS shot him dead on the jet ski.  Launch a craft & kick a-- & sink them.  That could have been any of us.  It's time to secure our borders & mean business like the Soviets.  If you invade their border, simply, you're dead.  They don't play, no questions asked.  We're too politically correct.  Ask any soldier, they have to be fired upon, then wait to get permission to fire.  Don't get me started.  With the foreigner running this country, what do you expect.  I didn't vote for this liar/bs'er/lawyer/used car salesman.  Looks like the freshman senator that said, "You lied" to the president might know something.  Apology, not!!!  Later, Kelley

Offline omaha

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Re: Performance & mileage of a Quadrajet late model 800cfm
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2010, 09:37:38 PM »
10-4 on that!!