Author Topic: First Post Runaway Rochester  (Read 2595 times)

Offline DT1

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First Post Runaway Rochester
« on: December 21, 2010, 02:49:00 PM »
Hi All,
This is my first post but probably not my last since I love Rochester carburetors and I'm always tinkering with mine.
I've been having a problem with my Q-Jet for some time now. Every once in a while the throttle will stick when I punch it. I thought it was the throttle cable and I figured I'd replace it when I rebuilt the Carb. I just finished rebuilding the engine and yesterday I was in the middle of breaking in the cam when the carburetor ran away on me again. I also rebuilt the carburetor using Cliff's book and kit.  Everything inside and outside looks fine. I disconnected the throttle cable and started it up and gave it a couple of quick jabs and it did it again. I shut it down and started looking for a problem with the linkage. Nothing looked out of the ordinary so I started it up again. It idled like nothing happened. I tried a few times to get it to do it again but it wouldn't. The linkage looks good and I'm pretty sure the throttle plate inside isn't sticking or I could see it from the outside.
Anyone here ever had a similar problem like this? Any suggestions?

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: First Post Runaway Rochester
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2010, 12:09:43 PM »
The most common problem that causes sticking is the secondary throttle plates hanging up in the bores when they try to close.

Second most common problem is a lot of wear at the primary shaft, and they don't fully return to idle each time the throttle is closed.....Cliff