Author Topic: Anything special about Caddy carbs?  (Read 2403 times)

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Anything special about Caddy carbs?
« on: January 06, 2011, 10:28:50 PM »
I was looking over a carb I aquired, 7043234 (I assume for a Cadillac). It appears to have 2 ports on each side that look like ported vac adv slots in the baseplate. it also has 2 round ports on each side a little farther up the baseplate, and then, way up on the baseplate, pass.side it has a port, kinda rectangular but narrower towards the bottom.  also it has some really funky throttle linkage deal held on with screws. Why so many vac port in the throttle plate area is what im wondereng? do you really need 2 of everything. I assume the "high up" port is for the egr. Very good condition overall, missin a couple of things. I think I paid 7 bucks for it at the Wahoo swap meet back in the oct.  Has the secondary lock out on top by choke linkage. have not taken it apart, looks to have small airbleed in the top.

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Anything special about Caddy carbs?
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2011, 03:53:33 AM »
Certainly nothing "special" about the early Cadillac carburetors.  Like Oldsmobile, they continued to use the early float/fulcrum arrangment till 1975, for whatever reason we will never know?

I typically avoid them for any sort of high performance application, but they can be made to work quite well if you have enough fuel pump to keep them full on high HP set-ups?......Cliff

Offline omaha

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Re: Anything special about Caddy carbs?
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2011, 10:50:33 AM »
I did not realize that Cadillac did the same thing as the olds as far as the float deal. I have not taken one apart yet (Cad carb). I guess with the low rpm motors and the prospective clientel of buyers, performance was not on the top of the cadillac agenda at the time. I'll bet that some cad engines never saw the rear barrels of the carb in their whole life. (this one looks like brand new down in the secondary venturi area).
I guess for an evetyday driver, this carb wuold be ok then, but for HP, would be kind of bad idea on a higher rpm motor.  Thanks for the info.