Author Topic: Rochester or Edelbrock for '73 Corvette  (Read 2977 times)

Offline manofsteel1

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Rochester or Edelbrock for '73 Corvette
« on: February 08, 2011, 08:30:30 AM »
Hi, new to this forum and would like to have some information on a carburetor for my 1973 Covette with a 350 190hp/ auto trans. Currently, I have an Eldelbrock and I do not seem to get any performance nor fuel milage. Someone suggested to go back with the QuadraJet carb #7043202. They said I will get in the 16 to 18 mpg range and the engine will perform much better. What do you think. Now, with the Edelbrock, I am getting only 12-13mpg. Also, the carb is used and what sshould I do to clean it up? Thanks

Offline omaha

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Re: Rochester or Edelbrock for '73 Corvette
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2011, 04:51:56 PM »
    The Eldebrock is a good carb but not a fuel mileage champion. I have heard this complaint from many.
The "wide application" fuel curve and venturi set up is not as efficient as the Q-jet, especially on the primary side of the carb.  The Q-jet is a bit taller than an eldebrock (a plus when trying to design an efficient carb, negative for hood clearance).
    As far as the cleaning, a soak in 5 gal bucket of diesel overnight is a good start to clean off heavy grease. Then, you have several choices some of which are; parts store bucket of carb cleaner; an electric roasting pan (avaiable at a wal mart) filled with purple cleaner/water mix and set at 180 - 200 degrees for a 3-4 hour soaking. I also have tried several types of chemicals that are over the counter. Oven cleaner seams to work fairly good as long as you have a way to rinse while applying.; THe old stand-by carb cleaner in a spray can is also helpful for certain stubborn spots.
         Of course the best type of cleaning is the "Ultrasonic Cleaner". A bit pricey but, really works well and uses NO  harsh chemicals.  I am saving up for one (about ~450 on E-Bay).        ENJOY!

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Rochester or Edelbrock for '73 Corvette
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2011, 05:17:50 AM »
Keep in mind that the Edelbrock carb is an AFB design.  They were obsoleted in 1967 as the factory couldnt' get them to pass emisson standards imposed clear back in 1968!

They are just OK.  The pro's for them is simple and easy to work on.  The cons are ugly, too wide, woln't fit the stock spread bore intakes, fuel line clear around in the rear, and the BIG adjustment for the opening rate of the secondary airdoor.

The Edelbrock version of the AFB, their "Performer" series carburetors are poorly constructed, and have a few built in design flaws.  We will NOT allow them in our shop.

Edelbrock has made zillions of dollars on them for one reason, they are darn ars CHEAP!  About all they are good for is moving a vehicle from point A to point B, IMHO.

Your factory q-jet is an excellent unit.  It just needs upgraded with modern components for this new fuel.  I would completely/correctly rebuilt it with one of our kits, new choke pull-off, and put it back in service on the stock intake with the factory divorced choke hooked back up.......Cliff