Thanks for the reply mate
, the angle doesnt really matter as it ranges quite a bit from slow to fast speeds anyway, when at WOT it sits in the water pretty much level so the engine would be at about 15 deg give or take. My main question is how much affect would the wedge adapter have on idle quality and airflow since it is basically a 2" open spacer making the dual plane factory manifold redundant.
I'm thinking that a divided spacer could be of benefit to you.
Curious: most intake manifolds have some angle designed into the carb mounting flange. WHICH end of your engine is low? I'm surprised you need an extra 15 degrees of wedge.
Yes the mark on the damper is correct as I checked it when I checked the cam timing using a positive piston stop.
Good to know.
I have been advised by a couple of people not to use the vacuum advance as marine engines are heavily loaded at all times,
MOST boats are grossly under-powered. Takes WFO or close to it to plane; the engine runs "with it's tongue hanging out" pretty much all the time.
Easy way to tell. Put a vacuum gauge on a manifold vacuum fitting, and run the boat as you normally do. If you have enough vacuum to activate a vacuum advance (let's say 10" or more) for a significant amount of your running time...PROPERLY TUNED vacuum advance could be of benefit to you.
it does idle ok with 12 deg advance I was just concerned that something might be wrong with my setup because it will still start and runs well at 30deg, recently purchased a book on performance ignition systems and it basically says to set the idle ignition to as advanced as you can while the starter will still start the engine.
"I" would be looking for a different book. What's the title/author?
Initial timing and centrifugal advance must be set up to work with each other. More initial timing requires less centrifugal; less initial requires more centrifugal. You'll want something like 35 degrees of total advance, but what combination of initial vs. centrifugal is the question.
No cranking/starting problems at 30 degrees initial advance? I'd be doing a cranking compression check!